Priya Alti

Priya Alti

Thank you for exploring Access Bars. I am so excited that you are going to experience this amazing and life transforming tool from Access Consciousness. Yeah!! Welcome Welcome Welcome. Warm Welcome to you.

When I first heard about Access Bars, I thought to myself this is too good to be true, it will not work. I am so glad I didn't listen to my mind and learned it  anyway. Post my first bars class I transformed about a zillion things in my life that too in a shortest possible time. It was almost unbelievable. Another thing is that all the changes that I created have stayed.

My entire life I have never been so happy and so many of my dreams have come true with ease, joy and glory. 

Crazy, weird and so not like anything else. That is how I describe Access tools. If you have tried many tools that deliver a temporary change and requires you to do painful unfruitful daily practice for hours and hours, consider learning Access. 

There are many many life transforming workshops to chose from. Depending on your area of intererst choose one that is for you. I conduct some of the core classes of Access too. E.g Access Bars, The Foundation. 

Crazy changes happen in these workshops. In a very very good way ofcouse.

For upcoming events and class calendar do get in touch with me, sometimes I tend to update them at the last min. Oops!

My background

Born in small town of India (Nagpur Maharashtra), pursued Technology learning and career @IIT Delhi, @Sasken and @Quicklogic. Almost a decade back when I said bye bye to technology career I was clear I am travelling inwards. One thing lead to other and here I am. Not only have I transform zillions of things in my life, I am actually truly empowered and empower others to this wonderful journey too.

Here are few book recommendations incase you want to explore Access before taking any classes or sessions

Access Shop

Being You Changing the World By Dr Dain

Divorcesless Relationship By Gary and Dr Dain

Money Is Not A Problem You Are! by Gary and Dr Dain

Right Body For You - Gary And Dr Dain

Just for fun me before and after. Drawn by my Daughter in 2016 (6 months after me joining Access)


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Here is something About me!

“Be The Magical You”

- Priya Alti


My Classes


Tento kurz odstraňuje základy omezení, o kterých jste si mysleli, že z nich musíte žít, jako byste neměli jinou volbu! Tento 4 denní intenzivní průzkum toho, co jiného je možné, je facilitován certifikovanými Access Consciousness facilitátory z celého světa. Kurz vytváří povědomí o základech vědomí, které jste ve svém životě dosud nepoužívali.

Kurz Access Bars

Access Bars® jsou naprostým základem Access Consciousness. Mohou být začátkem skvělého dobrodružství a může to být něco, co přidáte do svého života a podpoří vás to při tvorbě větší lehkosti se vším. Barsy jsou 32 jedinečnými body na hlavě, které souvisí s různými životními oblastmi a aspekty. Dotkněte se jednoho Barsu a začnete čistit energii, která je v této oblasti nebo aspektu vašeho života uzamčená. Stačí jen dotek.

How to Become Money Workbook

There are a lot of people who are trying desperately to change their money situation. This class is about how to BE Money!! Are you ready to be brutally honest with yourself about what your points of view of money are?

Talk to The Animals - Start the Conversation

We have a very refreshing approach to animal communication that removes the significance and shows you how staying in the question can be a much more excellent way to perceive what animals are truly communicating.