Satu Lindgren

Satu Lindgren

Have you tried Access Bars®? This gentle yet powerful technique changed my life in 2014, and continues to do so. 

I always felt like I didn't fit in, and that there was just something fundamentally wrong about me. I believed that it would be impossible for me to find happiness, or even some sort of peace of mind because I felt so wrong. 

I tried everything to change it. Since the age of 14 I went to yoga classes, studied religions, metaphysical teachings, meditation techniques, tried all kinds of treatments, diets... You name it, I have probably tried it! With each thing I always first thought that maybe this is finally the answer, that will make me feel better, and help with that indescribable ache I had in me, which I could not even put words to. I just wished something or someone would address it.

In this search I stumbled upon a Access Bars class, thinking it's just like all the other classes I've taken. It wasn't. It was everything I had been searching for, and some much more! Truly, so much more, beyond my wildest dreams. 

So my invitation to you is to first of all let you know that what you are looking for exists. That is why you have that strange feeling that it should exist! That is why you dream of it. And secondly, what if getting there was way more ease-filled, less painful and maybe even fun than you think?

I would love to empower you to find what you're looking for,  and to assist you in creating the change your desire and the life you dream of! You are warmly invited to

What else is be possible for you, that you have never considered before?

What is consciousness? What can it give to you? Read about Treasures of Consciousness in my blog here.

Would you like a taste of a Access Consciousness tools? Check some recent videos here in my Youtube

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Would you like to learn how to communicate with entities? This video from Satu can start opening your entity communication skills, that you can learn more of at Talk to the Entities classes.

“What is possible now that has never been possible before?”



My Classes

Talk To The Entities - Beginning Live

Do you desire to become more aware and present with energies and communications from those on the other side? Join Shannon O'Hara or a Certified TTTE Facilitator for the Talk to the Entities - Beginning where you will learn how to develop your own psychic awareness and change the way you see the spirit world.

Kurz Access Bars

Access Bars® jsou naprostým základem Access Consciousness. Mohou být začátkem skvělého dobrodružství a může to být něco, co přidáte do svého života a podpoří vás to při tvorbě větší lehkosti se vším. Barsy jsou 32 jedinečnými body na hlavě, které souvisí s různými životními oblastmi a aspekty. Dotkněte se jednoho Barsu a začnete čistit energii, která je v této oblasti nebo aspektu vašeho života uzamčená. Stačí jen dotek.


Tento kurz odstraňuje základy omezení, o kterých jste si mysleli, že z nich musíte žít, jako byste neměli jinou volbu! Tento 4 denní intenzivní průzkum toho, co jiného je možné, je facilitován certifikovanými Access Consciousness facilitátory z celého světa. Kurz vytváří povědomí o základech vědomí, které jste ve svém životě dosud nepoužívali.

Být sám sebou - Jednodenní dobrodružství

Vítejte na tomto jednodenním kurzu založeném na knize a kurzech Daina Heera, Být sám sebou mění svět, který používá soubor nástrojů Access Consciousness.

Tyto kurzy jsou facilitovány po celém světě a mohou vám dát energetický zážitek bytí, který nenajdete nikde jinde...

TTTE Intermediate Class

Now that you have discovered the foundational tools of Talk To The Entities Beginning, are you ready to step up your engagement with the spirit world with the Intermediate class?