A Different Business for the World


  • Do you have a business currently?
  • Do you have an idea for a business?
  • Do you have a drive to contribute to businesses with the tools of consciousness?

What would you like to get out in the world?

What if there is a totally different way of doing business possible?

That is what we will explore during this special class with the the Bars in Business™ team and Simone Milasas, founder of Joy of Business® and creator of Business Done Different.


Ei pääsyvaatimuksia


Maakohtainen ja ikäperusteinen hinnoittelu pätevät.
Henkilökohtaiset ja sovelletetut hintasi näkyvät kohdassa ”Billing & Payments” (laskutus ja maksut) rekisteröinnin jälkeen.

This class is free for those attending the Global Foundation class.

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