Connor Hill

Connor Hill

How can I contribute to you?


What if no one and nothing could control you?

What would you choose?

What if the purpose of life were to have fun?

Are you having any yet?


Born in Kansas, Connor is a midwestern man at heart and global citizen by nature.

His great grandmother even watched over "Ike" Eisenhower to the point that when she lost one of her sons, a pilot, over the Pacific in WWII Ike sent a personalized, hand sigened letter with his condolences. Connor is now using the the Access Consciousness tools to the best of his ability to do everything and be everything he can to expand on one of Ike's great quotes "That which is urgent is seldom important and that which is important is seldom urgent" 

 "What if future was so important that fight was never urgent?" - Connor Hill



He achieved his Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2009 and served as a Civil and Environmental Engineer in practice until he passed the Professional Engineer's exam and obtained his license. He loved all the things he learned in engineering and all the things he was able to do to contribute to his local and regional communities, but it was never going to be big enough for him.

He has now facilitated Access Consciousness Foundation, Conscious Horse Conscious Rider, and 3 Day Body Classes and conducted Private Symphony Sessions to thousands of people in over 20 Countries. 

What would you like your life to be like in 5, 10, 25 years time?

Connor loves to play. He has an adventure of living and joy that he loves to contribute to others and facilitate them in creating their lives to be greater than they ever thought possible?

How does it get any better then that?!

and What else is possible now?

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La classe Fondation

Cette classe défait la fondation de la limitation à partir de laquelle tu penses que tu dois vivre comme si tu n'avais pas d'autre choix! Elle est facilitée par des facilitateurs certifiés Access partout dans le monde et c'est une exploration intense de 4 jours de quoi d'autre est possible. La classe crée la prise de conscience de la fondation de conscience que tu n'as pas encore utilisée dans ta vie!

Classe Corps de 3 jours Access

Et si ton corps était une boussole ou un guide vers les secrets, les mystères et la magie de la vie ? La classe Corps Access est conçue pour ouvrir un dialogue et créer une communion avec ton corps qui te permet de profiter de ton corps au lieu de lutter contre lui et de l'abuser.

Being You – The Weekend Adventure

What if you could wake up every day with a wild enthusiasm for being alive? Are you always asking for more and looking for that “something” we all know is possible? What if that “something” is YOU? What if you, truly being you, are all it takes to change everything – your life, everyone around you and the world?