Helen Gitlevich

I have always been searching for what else is possible and what it means to be me. Ever since I was a child, I wondered...

Being a medical doctor, an artist, a published author, a podcast host, Facilitator with Access Consciousness, 3 day Body facilitator, Akashic Records teacher and Founder of Akashic School of Creation and a Reiki Master, I have been facilitating classes worldwide and has been helping people to clear their limitations and shift emotionally, mentally and physically.


Helen Gitlevich was born and raised in Moscow, until her permanent move to the United States at the age of seventeen.

Helen always knew she wanted to help others in their struggles to overcome their limitations and fears.

She became an M.D. in the city of Chicago and remained practicing until open-heart surgery stopped her, with multiple complications following. Helen decided to pursue her passion for helping others in different ways.

Her studies have helped her earn certifications in teaching and consulting in Akashic Records. She is a founder of Akashic School of Creation.

In addition, she is a published author, certified as a Bars Facilitator, 3 days Body class Facilitator and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and a Reiki Master.

Helen is also an artist, completed her Associate in Fine Art in Chicago. Her creativity helps her in her work with clients and students to create change in their life. 

To date Helen has seen the lives of those she has helped change and shift emotionally, mentally and physically. In the tradition of seeker, she uses her skills to help others to experience infinite possibilities which can help you create your own reality and have unlimited choices.

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What if you could change anything in your life? https://www.creatingabundancewithease.com/


Mes cours

Classe Corps de 3 jours Access

Et si ton corps était une boussole ou un guide vers les secrets, les mystères et la magie de la vie ? La classe Corps Access est conçue pour ouvrir un dialogue et créer une communion avec ton corps qui te permet de profiter de ton corps au lieu de lutter contre lui et de l'abuser.

Lifting facial Access

Le Lifting facial Access est une manière merveilleuse de redynamiser ton visage et de renverser les signes du vieillissement sur le visage et à travers le corps tout entier.  Le toucher doux et apaisant appliqué sur ton visage et ton cou s'accorde avec les cellules de ton corps à restaurer, vivifier et régénérer.