Freeing The Inconceivable You

Welcome to Freeing the Inconceivable You

Have you always known that there was something more to you and for you, but you weren’t sure how to access it?

Freeing The Inconceivable You is all about the fun of exploring the hidden talents, abilities and capacities that have yet to be uncovered, and seeing what you would like to do with them.

What are YOUR greatest dreams? What if reaching them wasn’t as difficult or impossible as you’ve been led to believe? Might you have a few limitations to clear away first? Who doesn’t! We can take care of that too!

The class will be discussion and lots of experiential exercises that help you see just exactly what’s going on with you. By uncovering the hidden decisions, judgments and conclusions that have been stopping you, we can then clear them out and see the gifts that are hiding underneath! Unwrapping those gifts is one of the most fun and surprising things you will ever do!

Here’s what clients have said about working with Marilyn:

"Marilyn is a gentle and intelligent facilitator. She has a gift of knowing and distilling (from her vast repertoire) the exact kernel you require, to empower you to make the changes you're ready for at that moment. It's clear that the techniques she teaches come from personal experience. Marilyn knows what works."  M. L., Korea/Australia

"From the first time I met Marilyn - I knew that she had a 'special' something. When I was going through therapy years ago, I wished I had someone like Marilyn to go to. She's kind, caring and brilliant in her facilitation. And, don't be fooled - she is laser sharp and can call you on your 'stuff' and empowers you to 'know that you know' In the classes and tele classes I've taken with her, I've felt that she had my 'back' and that I could be vulnerable and tell her anything because she is in allowance and doesn't judge. How did I get so lucky?" With gratitude - L.W., Colorado

"Marilyn Bradford has brought me to a level of awareness I have never known. This awareness through the tools of Access Consciousness has increased my happiness and sense of self-worth. As a facilitator, she gets to the specific issue directly and in a kind and gentle way. My connection with myself has deepened and grown exponentially unlike ANY OTHER program I have participated in.  Thank you Marilyn for you and the transforming tools of Access Consciousness." R. T. Santa Barbara

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