Dr. Anthony Mattis

Dr. Anthony Mattis


I have been using the tools of Access Consciousness for the past 11 years and they have basically changed every area of my life. When I came to Access, my wife of 10 years, had recently passed away and I was raising three small children on my own. I was on my knees looking for answers. I had studied every modality under the sun from Christian Coaching to Spiritual Bird Calls. 

When I stumbled upon the tools of Access Consciousness I was so disenfranchised from the lack of success I have garnered from the other modalities, that I was very apprehensive about the tools. But I started using them and got so much change despite my resistance that I couldn't deny their power.

Eleven years later, I travel the world empowering people to know that they know. We have all come from different walks of life and encountered really difficult circumstances. And we each have a whole reality available to us that only we can create. I invite you on this journey with me to a greater possibility and a greater world. What if you are the gift and the change the world requires?

A közeljövőben induló osztályok

Dátum Esemény Facilitátor Házigazda Helyszín Média
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{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

Nincs megjeleníthető osztály.

“All of Life Comes to Us with Ease and Joy and Glory!”

- Access Consciousness



A Szimfónia nyitánya

Ezen a 3 napos tanfolyamon, melyet Anthony Mattis facilitál, megismerkedsz ezekkel az energiákkal, és elkezdesz egy új energetikai teret felfedezni.
Készen állsz, hogy egy másfajta valóság energetikai zeneszerzője legyél?

Access 3 napos testtanfolyam

Mi lenne, ha a tested egy iránytű vagy útmutató volna az élet titkaihoz, rejtélyeihez és varázslatához? Az Access testtanfolyamot arra tervezték, hogy megnyisson egy párbeszédet és egységközösséget hozzon létre a testeddel, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy élvezd a tested, ahelyett, hogy harcolnál ellene és bántalmaznád.

TTTE Intermediate Class

Now that you have discovered the foundational tools of Talk To The Entities Beginning, are you ready to step up your engagement with the spirit world with the Intermediate class?