Natalie Burrage

Natalie Burrage

I am thrilled that you are here!! What would you like to change? To create? What possibilities are nudging you for your future?

It's not by accident that you are here. I stumbled upon this wild, wonderful world of Access Consciousness back in 2016.  It all came from a powerful prayer that perhaps you've said yourself at some point in your life..." HELP! I AM READY TO CHANGE no matter what!"  😂😂😂

Just like you, I was a seeker most of my life. Trying out & getting trained in most modalities (Reiki, ThetaHealing, Intuitive energy work, Channeling, Yoga, Meditation, Sacred Activations, etc...), when I found Access I was exhausted for I "tried it all." Luckily I was willing to try one more thing! Because I found the Access tools to be some of the most powerful for changing what seemed to be problems that would never go away, scarcity in money, struggles in love, and knowing that I should feel happy, I knew I had to explore more.

I had so much change with the Access Bars that I went on to explore the other tools of Access and fall in love with them not only for myself but for my clients.  After all if they were that awesome & reality changing, I had to share them with others.

I've seen my clients go beyond addiction, get off of depression medication, heal marriages on the brink of divorce, and also finally end relationships & go on to create the life they had always longed for. I've seen people end years of financial struggle and become prosperous and rich, and deep issues around self esteem/self love totally melt away. If you desire to change it, the Access tools can be one of the fastest & easiest ways to create that.  Between the Access tools & ancestor work, my clients have a whole new reality open up that they've been looking for.

So what are you looking for? And what can I contribute to you having this now?  Come explore my private sessions, group memberships, both in person & online, to find out!

To explore more, visit here to book a session:

If you're ready to make 2023 your year, come join me inside of The Year of You

To visit my website:

Have a question?  Contact me at

For a list of my current in person Access classes, visit below! 


Natalie B. is a natural born healer, conscious entrepreneur, & energy specialist.  She founded Love Yoga Flow Studio, is a transformational facilitator, and a conscious entrepreneur.  She's taught thousands of students over the last 13 years who have called her & her gift of transforming lives a "god send" and "something they haven't found elsewhere."

Having a background in Yoga & Meditation, Karuna Reiki, Sacred Activations, Theta Healing, Ancestor work, & Access Consciousness, Natalie loves working with people who are ready to create the life and business they love.  Her programs produce real results, for the modern person who's looking to have it all. The inner joy and abundance AND the outer success for a happy and fulfilled life!

A közeljövőben induló osztályok

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“You are the power & magic you've always been looking for. What would like to create?”

- Natalie Burrage
