Nini Rezai

Nini Rezai

What if every morning you wake up with joy and gratitude for just being alive in this beautiful earth? What if fear is meaningless, what if you can make the stress disapear so quickly. What if everything comes to you with Ease, joy & glory and no more struggle in the mind. Are you ready to be YOU?

My first interaction with the Access Consciousness was quite interesting, I was listening to a non profit radio station, which was during their fundraising time, and they were interviewing Dr. Dain Heer.  He was talking about the Clearing statements and offering one series for the cause. Not knowing anything about it, I purchased one just to help the radio station; As Dain recommended, I was listening to the clearing statements everynight, while I was sleeping. The seed of magic started in my sleep and then I started seeking and learning more about the Access Consciousness and of course the first step is the Access Bars!


I remember the first morning after receiving my first Bars, felt like I was walking in the clouds and I was laughing one minute and crying the next, but Bars changed me to the point of never going back to confusion and lack and not knowing what is next. Access Bars cleared my head from fog and replaced it with peace, calm and joy. I had studied Psychology because I have always been interested in human's mind, I have been a life coach for 6 years but I truly belive that Bars can change the human mind from cluther to serenity way faster than anything else; but of course knowing the Bars, has raised my awareness about others and has helped me in my approach. 

Are you ready to give yourself a gift of the Bars?  

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A közeljövőben induló osztályok

Dátum Esemény Facilitátor Házigazda Helyszín Média
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Nincs megjeleníthető osztály.

“How long, how long, in Infinite Pursuit ,,,, Of This & That endeavor and dispute? Better be merry with the fruitful Grape ,,,, Than sadder after none, or bitter Fruit.”

- Rumi



Access Bars tanfolyam

Az Access Bars® az Access Consciousness középpontja és alapja. Egy nagyszerű kaland kiindulópontja lehet, olyasmi, amit hozzáadhatsz az életedhez, hogy segítsen nagyobb könnyedséget teremteni mindennel. A bárok a fejen elhelyezkedő 32 különböző pont, amelyek az élet különböző területeivel és vonatkozásaival vannak összefüggésben. Egy bár megérintésével elkezded kitisztítani az adott életterületen vagy vonatkozásban megrekedt energiát, csak azáltal, hogy megérinted.