Come facilitatrice certificata Access Consciousness™ sono presente e attiva su tutto il territorio italiano e anche all'estero.
Offro un'ampia gamma di attività, servizi e sessioni: tra cui la classe di formazione Access Bars™, la classe avanzata Fondazione di Access Consciousness™ e la classe di specialità Parlare con le Entità! Segui il mio sito ( ) per seguire in dettaglio le mie attività!
Spero di incontrarti presto dal vivo o online!
Clicca QUI per leggere la mia storia! E clicca qui per iscriverti alla mia comunity gratuita su Telegram
What can Access Consciousness™ do for you?
I have personally have been using this methodology for 15 years now to change, improve and transform every area of my life.
In fact, the questions, verbal processes and Access Consciousness™ tools are so versatile and pragmatic that they can really accompany you and empower you throughout your day and in every moment of your life; whether you use them for work, for your family, for relationships, for money, for your body and so on.. also because the very center of all these areas is YOU!
What would your life be like if you had questions at your fingertips and to clarify, have and change everything you want in the blink of an eye with?
Sometimes the only thing you need is to be willing to ask a question and be willing to question what's in front of you! It's not the outside that has to change first!
We are the ones who, by changing our approach and point of view, have the ability to change everything and anything with ease! And these tools come to support you in this in reaching and using your fullest potential!
You are invited to see for yourself and experience the power and pragmatism of these tools and indulge yourself in creating what you most want in your life!
As a certified Access Consciousness™ facilitator, I am present and active throughout the Italian territory and also abroad. I offer a variety of activities, services, and sessions: including the Access Bars™ training class, the Access Consciousness™ Foundation Advanced Class, and the Specialty Class Talking to Entities!
Check out my website ( ) to follow my activities in detail!
Hope to meet you soon live or online! In the meantime you can join my community on Telegram fo find out more abut me:
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“Non c'è scarsità in un mondo di gratitudine! Le possibilità si aprono se inizi a fare domande!”
- Bianca Luana ChirnoagaDeze class haalt het fundament weg van de beperking waarvan je dacht dat je daarvanuit moest leven, alsof je geen andere keuze hebt! Het wordt over de hele wereld gefaciliteerd door gecertificeerde Access Consciousness facilitators en het is een vierdaagse, intensieve ontdekkingstocht van wat er allemaal nog meer mogelijk is. De class creëert gewaarzijn van het fundament van gewaarzijn dat je tot nu toe nog niet hebt toegepast in je leven!
Acces Bars zijn de basis en het fundament van Access Consciousness. Het kan het begin zijn van een groot avontuur en het kan iets toevoegen aan je leven, dat je zal helpen bij het creëren van meer gemak met alles in je leven. De Bars zijn 32 unieke punten op je hoofd, die verbonden zijn met verschillende aspecten van je leven. Raak één Bar aan en je begint de energie die opgesloten zit in dat gebied of aspect van je leven op te ruimen, gewoon door het aan te raken.
Now that you have discovered the foundational tools of Talk To The Entities Beginning, are you ready to step up your engagement with the spirit world with the Intermediate class?