What is Access Bars? And how do the Access Consciousness processes work? What if the tools of consciousness can take you on a journey to discover who you are, and what you can create as your world? They have for me, and continue to ... every day.
I’ve always wanted to be an explorer, to go where no one has gone before. And I’ve done some crazy things in my life, crossed the border from El Salvador in the back of a truck, walked red poppy-fields with Taliban and flown on a Russian airplane with as many goats and pigs, as people.
Yet, every adventure was always somehow still within the edges of the known world…everything had been said, seen or done before. I desired to go where the old maps said: Beware, Beyond Here Be Dragons! I knew there had to be something more, something different, something yet un-explained. What was the point of being here otherwise?
It wasn’t until I began taking Access Consciousness classes that I realized that those darn irritating known edges were……not……real. Trust me; there is so much out there to discover — and what you uniquely know is the starting point!
If this speaks to you, if there is an explorer within you waiting to come out, come join me for a class! I facilitate Access Bars, Foundation, 3-Day Body classes and Being You Adventure Classes.
You know when and where. Only you do!
The author Susan Sontag puts it so beautifully. ”I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.”
Are you ready to put everywhere on your list?
NEW PODCAST! Feeding The Wolf of Possibilities
Listen to some of the Wolf episodes here!
Do You Use the Past to Limit You?
Bodies Talk to Bodies
Podcasts with Shannon O'Hara
Unlock Your Creative Genius
Radioshow with Simone Milasas
What is the Best Thing You Ever Did?
Radioshow with Dr. Dain Heer
Baby Unicorn Manifesto
Clara & the Climate Changer
The Baby Dragon Manifesto
The Very Greatest Adventure...Is You Truly Being You
The Baby Stardust Manifesto
Katarina Wallentin is a facilitator, author, and producer, as well as an avid explorer of the magic that is possible when we step out of conclusion and into question, especially with our bodies.
She facilitates classes with curiosity, kindness, and her unique strand of humor, which greatly contributes to the change that is possible.
Katarina lives in Stockholm, Sweden, and works with the global Access Consciousness team as Worldwide Communications and Creatives Coordinator.
Before Katarina discovered Access Consciousness, she worked with communication and leadership in international organizations for over ten years, from the United Nations to Doctors Without Borders.
During that time, she traveled to some of the most faraway corners in the world and found that nothing on this Earth is black or white, right or wrong. Instead, everything is interconnected, and what you see and perceive depends on the shade of the glasses you put on.
When Katarina started to use the tools of Access, the possibilities for dynamic change exploded, both in her own life and in what she could create in the world.
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“Two steps beyond what you think is impossible is everything you've been asking for.”
- Dain HeerDeze class haalt het fundament weg van de beperking waarvan je dacht dat je daarvanuit moest leven, alsof je geen andere keuze hebt! Het wordt over de hele wereld gefaciliteerd door gecertificeerde Access Consciousness facilitators en het is een vierdaagse, intensieve ontdekkingstocht van wat er allemaal nog meer mogelijk is. De class creëert gewaarzijn van het fundament van gewaarzijn dat je tot nu toe nog niet hebt toegepast in je leven!
What if you could wake up every day with a wild enthusiasm for being alive? Are you always asking for more and looking for that “something” we all know is possible? What if that “something” is YOU? What if you, truly being you, are all it takes to change everything – your life, everyone around you and the world?
Wat als je lichaam een kompas of gids zou zijn voor de geheimen, mysteries en magie van het leven? De Access Body Class is ontworpen om een dialoog op gang te brengen en een verbondenheid met jouw lichaam te creëren waarmee je van jouw lichaam kunt genieten in plaats van ertegen te vechten en het te misbruiken.
Touch is powerful, that’s why there is so much charge around it for so many. And touch is also one of the most amazing parts of having a body. Imagine if you could have total ease with every kind of touch that crosses your path, the good, the bad, and the ugly? In this class, the journey begins.