Ana Carolina Sloser

Ana Carolina Sloser

I discovered Access Bars while mourning and unsuccessfully trying to pick the pieces of the person I had been, had lost, had never been, and had been pretending to be, in order fit into what this reality tells us is “success”.  The corporate job, ivy league degree, a spouse that checked all the superficial boxes, a desirable home, the two kids… In other words, what we have been sold as the “perfect” life and family. 

After barely existing as a wraith of myself in an unhealthy relationship that lasted 12 years, and too many years in corporate America, I found myself staring in the mirror for the millionth time and wondering who was staring back.  It was finally time to give up the insanity I had bought as the pinnacle of achievement, and actually hit the refresh button and give myself a tabula rasa and choose something different, choose me.  Little did I know then that this magic called Access Consciousness was about to explode my world...

Exploring all types of alternative modalities of healing, therapies, religions, and exploration has always been part of my life, but it was in the moment I had my first Access Bars run that everything sort of fell into place.  The changes and shifts that occurred, internally and externally, were so dynamic and fast that I couldn’t deny that this new tool I had stumbled upon was uniquely different.  After receiving two bars session, I asked to take the class, just for me, just for fun and to play with anyone.  Not in a million years did it ever occur to me that it would lead me to becoming an Access Counsciousness Certified Facilitator, nor that I could ever be this contribution to others or this world.  Now how does it get EVEN better than?!

I still wake-up every single day in awe of the magic that exists all around and within me!  

Are you ready to explore this magic, and discover your own?  Would you like to see what else is possible for you?

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{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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“"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined."”

- Thoreau
