Bente Stamoen

Bente Stamoen

English below


Hei og takk for at du er her!

Access Bars lærte jeg i 2012, siden har jeg reist rundt i mye av Norge og holdt Access Bars klasser. 

Metoden er beskrevet som 'å rense harddisken', og passer derfor for alle, spesielt for den som lurer på om det er mer...

Access Bars er enkelt, man berører 32 lagringspunkter på hodet, for å forløse det som er lagret her. Det medfølger også enkle verktøy til bruk i hverdagen situasjoner! De er så enkle at det fungerer å bruke dem!

Kanskje kan Access Bars og verktøyene forandre det du ønsker forandre, også? Eller gi deg mer energi og enkelhet ?


Jeg 'fant' Access Consciousness, der Bars er 'grunnmuren', etter mange års søken (og minst like mange metoder) i den alternative verden!

Access Bars ble mitt første kurs i Access Consciousness, siden har det blitt mange kurs, jeg ville ha det enda enklere, enda raskere!!



Symphony of Possibilities er en 'energilek', skapt av cocreater Dr. Dain Heer, som inviterer kroppen din til å være hele 'symfonien av muligheter', helt uten at du trenger lete etter hva, hvor eller hvordan endring skal skje. Du 'trenger' bare være villig til å ta imot!

Som forøvrig gjelder alle Access prosesser!


Jeg holder Access Bars kurs og gjør behandlinger.

Symohony of Possibilities- behandlinger kan gjøres over avstand.

Jeg liker å reise så jeg har gjerne kurs der du bor.

Og jeg vil gjerne dele Access Bars og hele verktøykassa som følger med!

Her finnes en mengde bøker og klasser, kanskje 'roper' noen til deg? :

Ta kontakt, så kan vi lage kurs, samle noen for behandlinger eller jeg kan holde foredrag ?

Vil du vite mer, ta gjerne kontakt: 97506473.

Hi and welcome to my site!

Empowering people to know that they know!

This is what I wish for, when I'd travel and had Access Bars classes in most of Norway, since 2013.

I'v seen people with chronic pain, anxiety and depression change this to 'no problem', in just one session! Even the person who told me, 'I dont belive in this stuff'!! 

People without pain or 'special problems', seem to have better sleep, more energy, and more fun in they're lifes after using Access Bars and all the simple tools! The tools are so simple that it works to use them in your dailylife!

I love to facilitate classes, its truly a gift to see people change!

I would love to travel to other countries as well!

Get in touch, if you want me to facilitate a class were you live!

Want to check out books, classes and tools, go here : 

Best reguards,

Bente Stamoen.

Hi And thanks!

After my first Bars class, I really didnt know how much change that created for me!

I did know that I wanted more of this stuff, even if I could not explain to anyone what this is about !!

 I went to several classes, foundation and 'choise of possibilities', and many other.

Since my first Bars class, I used to swap Bars, at least once a week. It just make my days so easy and I had much more energy and inspiration!

The Bars give me a space of total peace, there is no noice at all and I love it ! Still swapping Bars!

In a Choise of posssibilities class, a couple of years in my Access journey, I had this amazing experience !

The class had like 2 or 300 people in it and people were swapping Bars, some people also asked Gary Douglas, founder of Access Counsiousness, questions. 

This wonderful man, was asking questions that leaded to the fact that he was sexualy abused as a kid and he had this conversation and questions from Gary to release what was there...

I was on this table, had my Bars run and tears ran from my eyes.. I enjoyed my 'Barspeace', I just let the tears out... Then my body 'remembered' what happend when I was about 8 months, I was sexualy abused!  I just knew that my body was releasing this memory, that had not been conscious for me for more than 40 years!  

And, there were no drama or trauma at all!! I was just there, with no point of wiew, gave my body the opportunity to just let go!

And, I experience that Bars always give me the space to release things or 'truths' that limit me, usually without any reaction from me, would you like to fint out if it can be this ease for you to ?

This is what Bars is for me, everything can be ease!  We can let go of things, whatever it is, and go on!! 

What can we create when we let go of the things that we hide from ourself and things we hold on to, and really choose to ask: what would I like my life to be like?

Thank you so much for you!

Hopefully I meet you in person some day !!

Best reguards, Bente.

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