Cassandra Nicole Ragsdale

Cassandra Ragsdale

Hi! I am so happy our paths have crossed since you're reading this. And, I am SO joyfully enthused to share the tools of Access Consciousness with you. How did we get so lucky?!

I took my first Access BARS class in 2014. How did I get so lucky to have found the tools of Access?  I'm so grateful for the joyous people I've met along this journey and, for the sense of space and communion I now have with my body and the planet. It's something I always KNEW was possible... What do you know, my sweet friend?

Not sure what else to write at the moment but I am a BARS Facilitator, Facelift Practitioner, CFMW, and a whole bunch of other energies that don't require any words.

How does it get any better than this, you beauty-filled possibility-seeker, you!?  Is now the time to show up and play?


Cassandra Nicole Ragsdale

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{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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“Once your mind is out of the way, you the being are free to play. -Gary Douglas”

