Jenny Frithiof

Jenny Frithiof

My desire for more keeps me expanding and adding new and exciting experiences to all aspects of my life – and I adore it!


If there are things going on with our bodies, creations, finances or our relationships – there are amazing questions and processes to take us out the funk and into choice, change and greater possibilities.

The  tools of Access Consciousness are so much fun and ease to play with!

I says play – as the more I choose to create with these tools the more joy and freedom is available in my world and that space is there and available for you as well – if you choose it.

We are spending so much time and effort becoming something  - something different than what we currently are being.

What if we instead chose to let go of everything that we have been holding on to, keeping in place, storing, hoarding and dragging with us sometimes life time after life time.

Barriers down, down, down, down.

Expand out

Letting it go little by little or all of it in one go.


When we allow ourselves to go beyond all the judgements, inventions and lies that we have been buying, selling and keeping we can start showing up as who we truly be.


For me - the tools of Access Consciousness have not only allowed for a deeper communion with my body, it has also given me the well needed kick in butt to choose and create more for my body, myself and in my life.


Simple, innocent questions like “How does it get any better than this” and “What else is possible” is far more potent then I could have never imagined.

When you stay curious in the question – anything is possible!


Where can you to start?


What would you like to play with first?

What would be fun for You?


If you are looking for a class, a sessions, some coaching or maybe just some more information about Access Consciousness – Send me a Hello

Here are some of the classes and sessions that I am currently playing and creating with  - you can also find out more at


Body processes

Energetic Facelift


Abuse Hold


What can we create I wonder?

Can’t wait to see you!



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“Changing a sentence from a statement to a question opens up a communion with our bodies, with the earth and with the entire universe When you ask - What else is possible – with curiosity instead of despair - Everything Changes !”

