Laleh Hancock

Laleh Hancock

WELCOME to Access Consciousness and Global Wellness For All!  Empowering YOU to know what YOU know through pragmatic tools, trainings, workshops, and sessions.

Access Bars, Access Body Processes, Symphony of Possibilities sessions and specialty workshops empowering people of all ages and background who desire to improve their wellbeing, expand, or change their personal and professional life.

Do you remember when you were a child and how much fun you had just being you? It did not matter where you were or what you did or did not have. Everything was about play, creating, laughing, being silly, running around, enjoying food and sweets. There was nothing that seemed difficult or unachievable. If someone said ""no you can't do that"", all you said was ""why?' and ""why not""? There was a curiosity to find solutions to things that seemed impossible. It seems like we hit a certain age and somehow everything changed. Where did our curiosity go?

What if life did not have to stay difficult? What if you can have more joy and ease in your life? What if you could enjoy living and start making choices for you?

For me, my life was always dedicated to taking care of everyone else and doing what made them happy. First it was all the kids in the family, friends, strangers, my husband, my kids, my parents, siblings, employees, and so on. I was so lost in other people's lives that there was no room for me or what I desired to be or create in my life.

The Access Consciousness classes offered with my Global Wellness For All business services are designed to empower people at every stage of their journey. We meet people where they are and provide pragmatic tools to empower people to reduce stress, create more joy, ease, and infinite possibilities in their lives.

What else is possible in your life you have not yet considered? Is now the time to celebrate YOU? by letting go of what we no longer need and welcome new experiences, more joy, and prosperity! How does it get better than this?
Contact Us to get started.

With Gratitude,
Laleh Hancock, Certified Facilitator, AFF, AHF, BF, JCF, WCACF, BYCF, RVMC, RBFY WF, CPCKF, CHCRF, ESSEP, Maestro

Transformational Facilitator & Business Coach
Certified Facilitator for Access Consicousness & Access Specialty Classes

Please see below for a sampling of what others have experienced after one Access Bars Class.

To learn more about Laleh and her services, please visit: and


""Thank you for the most amazing experience learning Access Bars on Saturday. Not only did you create a nurturing and welcoming environment but it was a truly fun and joyful day. Yay! I appreciated how you as a facilitator honored us as infinite beings and allowed the class to unfold perfectly, uniquely as a deeply clearing and consciousness expanding. This was so much more than just learning the Bars! I felt free to laugh, cry and share authentically, which was really a gift.

Since taking the class I feel that expansive new possibilities have opened up for me in my life, and there is less density and emotion around some of the things that I was perceiving as challenges. I am seeing and feeling the universe differently now, my senses are heightened and everything is more beautiful. I feel so much more love for myself and others, which i have always longed for. How does it get any better than this?! "" Heather V.

""My experience attending the Bars class with Laleh was great! She is a caring and compassionate person with a positive and loving spirit.

Laleh presents infomation in an organized, easy to understand manner and she is able to gauge what each person needs to feel comfortable. I felt safe and protected in her healing space and

I would not hesitate to attend another class she facilitates. I think she is an Earth Angel who radiates love. "" -Theresa M.

""Thank you Laleh!! It’s hard to put into words how amazing I feel after our session today. The sound therapy and having my bars run while on the Biomat were wonderful. I have such an increased level of energy, yet also a feeling of incredible peace and calm. I am filled with joy! Your caring, understanding and nurturing way of teaching is such a gift to all of us. The tools you’ve taught me already in just 2 sessions have helped me tremendously. I’m looking forward to our next session already!"" Marjorie L.
If you would like to receive yourself in a whole new way/if you truly desire change, maybe even beyond what you have thought possible for You, I warmly recommend Laleh! With ease and speed she shifted tension and unease in my body and being, leaving me with a new sense of being embodied and grateful for being me. This all occurred working via Skype as I live in Europe. She even used sound therapy in addition to other services. Both her warm and intense presence coupled with a seemingly vast array of powerful tools-for-change makes her a powerful change agent. Consider yourself lucky to have found her! Maria O.
My time in training was amazing. I signed up for a Bars class. The day was amazing, with time to ask specific questions and to be guided in the specific techniques needed to be comfortable doing this on future clients. It was taught from a dedicated heart and soul to bring this wonderful instruction to all. I would recommend this to all! Peace and blessings and thank you Laleh for making such a footprint in my journey! Kim B.

I can't thank you enough for the session you gave me for my knee.
I played golf afterwards, and the pain in my knee was reduced. Not only that, but I was driving my tee shots 20 to 40 yards longer then ever before!

Again, thank you!
Paul K.
So far I had 2 sessions with Laleh via Skype since I live in Europe. Laleh knows exactly what to say or do to bust the lies I bought about myself and everything in my life. With whatever shows up, she sees the possibilities that are available and creates a space for me to get there too. It is almost as if she makes me look at myself through her eyes. She uses a variety of tools to shift what is required. The tuning-forks contributed hugely and felt amazing.
Thank you for your kindness, caring and love!! It is fun playing with you!
Elisabeth S.
“With my leadership position and family health problems, I have a lot of stress in my life. I have learned so many different techniques and still felt nothing was working for me. My friend told me about Laleh and how different her approach was. I always feel so wonderful after a session with Laleh. I feel so empowered and she helps me find tools to help my stress, pain, and whatever else is going on in my life. My life has truly changed in such a great way. If you are looking to change your life, Laleh is someone you should add into your life.” Marlene F.

So here is an update on how one bars class has changed my life :)
-clearer and sharper vision as well as taste. Craving for salt. No more craving greasy food
- clear vision of my path not only in life but day to day functionality
- having a voice. I felt like had lost my ""voice"" and that I could not communicate clearly to others.
-i am constantly in bliss! not in happy but in pure bliss i vibrate on a higher frequency and when feeling down can easily pull myself out of it a lot more quickly.
- I am never tired after I eat. I am usually exhausted
- I used to suffer from chronic fatigue and I don't feel it creeping around (this is the season that it usually pops up)
-I am actualizing my truth.. which has been a struggle for me for the past three years :)

""This was the best workshop/session I have EVER had. I felt that everything we discussed was both important to my development, and relevant to my current situations. Laleh helped me bridge the gap between my understanding and my experiences. I felt at the time it was life-changing. The next day, everything felt different to me,.. and still does. I feel like I was uplifted to a higher level of awareness and vibration, and things will never be the same for me. There is no going back.I was given many many tools with which to harness my energy and direct it toward achieving my goals. They were all things which are easy enough to do, and easy to incorporate into a busy lifestyle. I was able to begin using them the minute I got home, and unlike other programs/coaching I have tried, several days later my enthusiasm and dedication to using your processes has increased, not decreased. I am already feeling a sense of lightness and peace with respect to short and long term goals, and I am already seeing results.

It is rare to find a program that addresses the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects to a goal in a holistic way. You were able to give me a clear picture of how each part contributes to the whole, and specific methods and techniques for enhancing each one. I could have asked for nothing more. I feel very lucky and very blessed to have spent the time with Laleh."" - Gina M.


""Laleh is extremely empathetic and helps people feel hope and secure in their own inner strength. She helps others to trust in their abilities and self worth and offers great insight to individuals in search of answers to life’s challenges. She is a true “caregiver”; someone who shares her wonderful and kind spirit to the benefit of everyone around her."" -Kelli C.
""Mrs. Hancock was an eloquent speaker, she was very well organized and helped me put my goals into attainable action plans""- Workshop Participant
"" Excellent workshop! Mrs. Hancock is excellent at presenting to an audience with varied skill levels. She kept everyone interested and engaged while ensuring we have practical tools to apply to our goals."" -Workshop Participant
""I am able to use these tools to actually set my dream goals and accomplish them. She showed us that even though we think it may feel our goals are out of reach, they are really not out of reach. The tools gives me the ability to provide control in my life and reach my goals."" - Training Participant
""This workshop opened my eyes on how to plan my goals and objectives in my personal life, career, and family responsibilities. Ms. Hancock is an actionable and talented presenter. "" - Workshop Participant
""I liked all the activities. They related to topic making the training easy to follow and apply. The presenter was well prepared and interacted well with the group."" -Training Participant
""The facilitation, the interactive activities and the well done power point was awesome. This workshop speaks to me. It captured my attention and ways to help my career and family goals."" - Workshop Participant

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Joy Of Business Facilitators share tools for growing your business while also growing your life. What can they contribute to you and your life? With total gratitude, Laleh

“My favorite questions to ask daily is, Universe, show me something beautiful today! Who or what can I add to my business today? How does it get any better than this?”



Мои занятия

Being the Voice of Change

This intro class invites all that join to include themselves in the world and overcome the walls of separation most people buy as real.