Phone/Whatsapp: +91 9176085865 

“Consciousness is not a state you achieve, it is a constant evolution of expanding phenomenal possibilities.” – Gary Douglas, Founder of Access Consciousness.

Thanks for visiting my page & your interest in choosing Consciousness! How does it get any better than that?

The mantra of Access is 'All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory’! What if everything in your life could come with ease, joy and glory?  Please scroll down to see a few of the lovely testimonials I received from class participants.

Access Bars in Chennai : I am an Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator/Teacher Ph/Whatsapp: +91 9176085865  CFMW, located in Chennai (Mylapore), Tamil Nadu, South India. I offer Access Bars therapy in Chennai Whatsapp: +91 9176085865 and Access Facelift Sessions. I facilitate classes in both English and Tamil. Please contact for Access BARS Chennai sessions, Weight Loss, Immunity enhancing and Anti- Ageing classes & sessions, Money, Business and Relationship Intro classes, Symphony healing sessions.

Access Consciousness is truly beyond cultures and I am truly honored to have facilitated wonderful beings from various countries around the globe- Japanese, Italian, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Korean, Saudi Arabian. What else is magically possible? 

Access Bars, Money,  Weight Loss, Fountain of Youth, Relationship classes are conducted periodically in Chennai and I also travel to other cities in India - Bangalore, Hyderabad, Coimbatore, Pondicherry, Pondichéry, Puducherry. I have internationally facilitated Access Bars and many intro classes as well. Please contact me by email or phone for classes conducted regularly in Chennai and kindly whatsapp 91-9176085865 to stay updated on class schedules as all classes are not listed in this website!

For over a decade I had an inner quest to know what is beyond this reality.....I am immensely grateful for the energies & teachings of Reiki, Lemurian, Atlantis and Angel Healing, Crystal Healing, Aroma therapy and Bach Flowers, Magnified healing, Platinum Ray, Ascension Mahatma Meditation, Kriya Yoga, Ascended Masters Fifth Dimensional frequency, Oracle/Tarot cards, ShivYog Sanjeevani, Siddha & Shambavi Healing and Srividya/ Srichakra meditation for gifting me the awareness to choose the Advaita way (Non-duality, infused in the teachings of the Vedas and the Upanishads) of Access Consciousness a powerful Energy transformation system that is creating greater possibilities for expanding Consciousness for oneself and everything around you. 

Introduction to Access Consciousness BARS along with the magical/alchemical process of Molecular De-manifestation and De-Molecular Manifestation were Aa-ha moments for me. Foundation, Level 1, 2 & 3 expanded my awareness every step and in combination with several Body processes which work at a cellular and molecular level, the shifts in energy I am perceiving and receiving are profound.. The abundance  of  free tools, processes, tele-calls and videos of Access Consciousness available on the web are such a gift to anyone who is interested in knowing more. Infinite gratitude to Gary Douglas and Dain Heer for these simple yet dynamic tools!

Access Consciousness Bars is an amazing Consciousness tool that would promote us functioning from choice instead of past programming by releasing stuck energies! It is like deleting old files off your computer and getting a reformatted one! We have more space to create something new and wonderful and it is just like having the most updated software version!

What if Access Consciousness Bars could be a Spa for your Being?

What if the Year 2023 is about shifting from the limited reality of judgments to a reality of Infinite Possibilities? 

What if you allowed yourself the gift of receiving by being in gratitude for every molecule in the Universe & 'You"niverse?

Would you like to know "What else is possible?" & get ready to go from "How to Wow"?


If it ‘s light for you and vibrationally resonates with you, you could consider signing up for a session of Access BARS @Chennai, Access Energetic Facelift, Correcting Vision & other potent body processes , Money, Relationship, Speaking with ease, Talent and creating capacities enhancement classes with me and experience the Energy, Space,Consciousness , Magic, Miracles, Mystery and Possibilities that you truly be!  


True Success for me is Being a contribution and being a catalyst to transform other people's lives. It is truly an honor to be the Space of a Catalyst and be a Stimulus to empower and propel such 'wonder'full beings who attend these classes to a greater possibility! Grateful!

  • Prisca Pigarella from Germany: "😀 Hey, my last meeting with CEO was totally different. He was not mobbing rather he was cooperative.😀That is your credit! Thanks once more. HCTGABTT?""Since I did the bars class and read the book and doing the foundation more or less simultaneously I can't say what has what effect. I can only say that the tools work! I feel more energy and I am more courageous in telling things to people how I really feel or what I think. I also feel that I have more space and feel lighter. My feeling is that things are changing in my life. I get calls from people who didn't call me before... I get compliments from people out of the blue....it's very exciting and it's somehow magical. I am grateful and I am looking forward to soooooo much more, I guess this is only the very beginning of a truly magical journey into life and myself." - Priscilla                                                                                         
  • Anushree Agarwal (a highly Potent and Dynamo herself) a class participant of the Access Advanced Foundation class I facilitated in Bangalore last year: "I attended Access Foundation and Level 1 facilitated by Raji last year. I totally loved the energy generated in the class and the pure space of energetic exchange that was created. I felt a shift of years in four days, my body was rejoicing in the space created and a lot of POVs (Points of views) on many subjects that has become a limiting factor in my life were eliminated. What I really liked was the way Raji brought the energy of group together and was able to be the Space of Allowance that allowed each one of us to work with our issues and move beyond them. I wonder what will it be like for more people to tune into that energy and outcreate it. And what will it be like to create more happy joyous us with these classes. Wishing Raji all the best smile emoticon " - Anushree Agarwal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  • Anuradha Sen: Good morning mi sweet lady!! Lots of love to you mi dear sweet gorgeousness. I am so glad and fortunate to have been able to take up the Access classes with you! What a phenomenal journey of revaluations and revalations... so much of what I was doing was out of obligation and not out of choice! No wonder things felt so heavy and depressive!... I was going around in this infinite loop of indecision considering and judging what would be the 'right' thing to do for the path forward.. oh God! That was tiring! Thank you so very much for showing me that life doesn't have to be so heavy no matter where when or how we are... YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION!!I take a breath of relief today to know that the universe is so totally willing eager and wanting to support each and every one of our choices as long as we make it from a place of empowerment and freedom...Thank you for this course in *magic* has unfolded my belief in a brighter and lighter world into my present reality...So, here I am ready and eager to dive into a world of adventure and possibilities down under. The Access consciousness tools have been instrumental in getting an awareness of the existence of this ability that we all have and can hone. ✨✨ HDIGABTT?✨✨ - Anuradha Sen!                       
  •  "Hi Raji, this is Nithya. I attended the access consciousness class yesterday with you. Thank you for your love and useful insights on various aspects of life. Thank you very much!!"                                                                            
  • ‘Raji Raaman’s Foundation class in Bangalore was magical’ – Shivi Krishna  
  • Chithra Raghavan"  After Access  Bars class I kept laughing without any reason( I usually dont laugh that much!) and True to the core!!!! I did sleep differently after 20 years....Thanks!!! Good Things shall always keep doing rounds....it is working miraculously... - Chitra Raghavan                                                                And many more! 
  • #accessbarschennai, #accessconsciousnessbarschennai

For more information on Access Consciousness please check my websithttp://accessuniversalconsciousness.com







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““Whenever there is something you haven’t been able to change in your life, there is some aspect of unconsciousness that’s keeping you stuck” "What you try to own, owns you"‎ "The greatest powers are the powers of needlessness, gratitude, kindness, generosity of spirit, and aloneness because they allow you to be everything you are without anybody ever having power over you" "The potency of life is the ability to be catalyst for the change and transformation of all things and everyone" "What would it be like if you embodied so much consciousness in everything that you did and were, that others chose to become more conscious as a result?" "What if you knew how to be the energy that would change all reality for you and everyone around you? “”

- Gary Douglas


Мои занятия


Аксесс Бары являются самым ядром и основой Access Cоnsciousness. Они могут стать отправной точкой большого путешествия и быть прекрасным дополнением к вашей жизни, которое поспособствует вам в создании большей лёгкости во всём. Бары – это 32 уникальные точки на голове, которые соотносятся с различными сферами и аспектами жизни. Прикоснитесь к одному Бару, и вы начнёте высвобождать энергию, запертую в этой сфере или аспекте вашей жизни, всего лишь через прикосновение.

Аксесс Бары Дарение и Получение

Дарение и получание Аксесс Баров - невероятно питательный и добрый процесс для вас и вашего тела. Вы начинаете открывать двери к единству, где все существует без осуждения. Во время дарения и получения Баров вы сможете обменяться с другими практиками баров в вашем регионе. Это замечательный способ регулярно запускать бары!

Введение в Аксесс Бары

Добро пожаловать на вводный класс об инструментах, чтобы знать, что истинно для вас, чтобы БЫТЬ СОБОЙ и, чтобы уметь найти себя, когда вы теряетесь в чужих ограничениях. Этот класс о проявлении возможностей, о которых вы всегда только мечтали и о том, что и как изменить прямо в моменте, когда это не работает. Ваш фасилитатор познакомит вас с базовыми инструментами Access Consciousness и представит вам Аксесс Бары - интенсивный и лёгкий в обучении телесный процесс.