Sangeeta Kochhar

Sangeeta Kochhar

"Hello. Thank you for visiting my page.

I am an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, Access Bars Facilitator, Access Body Process Facilitator and a Right Body For You Facilitator, Talk To The Entities Facilitator.

I now Travel the globe facilitating choice and a different possibility for those who choose it through classes and private and group sessions.
My work includes facilitating The Access Bars class, Foundation class, Talk to the Entities and Right Body for you workshops.
My private sessions include the bars, body work and processes, body whispering and the symphony sessions and one on one facilitations to empower you to know that you know always have.


If you are here, there is a good chance that like me, you believe in a different possibility than what you are already experiencing so far.
Among the many things that I am, I have been an energy healer for a long time and before coming to Access Consciousness, I have spent most of my life in a relentless search for ""something more"". Something different to contribute to and expand my life.
A self confessed, hitch hiking gypsy of sorts my healing journey spans over 18 years of seeking and while I was grateful for the change I had created with each Healing technique, so many things in my life still seemed to be a struggle. I felt exhausted most of the time and the happiness I did experience with each practice, was mostly unsustainable. At the end of my wits I was ready to give up my search and make peace with my life as it was.

That’s when Access showed up in my life! Within the first few hours of my first Bars class,something shifted. There was just no looking back.
I experienced an awareness and knowing like never before.
Learning to allow myself to receive, letting go of judgement with such ease and the expansion of what else is possible, are some of the most amazing gifts of Access Consciousness to me.

I am so grateful and happy to be able to share these tools and techniques with you.

As I continue to apply the Access tools to daily living, quite quickly and dynamically things continue to change as I continue to create more, more joy, more peace more health, more wealth, more magic and so much more of ME?
As I facilitate others through the Access classes, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the possibility and change they experience with so much ease and joy.

What if You could have all of this and so much more? Would you choose it for you?


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Мои занятия


Аксесс Бары являются самым ядром и основой Access Cоnsciousness. Они могут стать отправной точкой большого путешествия и быть прекрасным дополнением к вашей жизни, которое поспособствует вам в создании большей лёгкости во всём. Бары – это 32 уникальные точки на голове, которые соотносятся с различными сферами и аспектами жизни. Прикоснитесь к одному Бару, и вы начнёте высвобождать энергию, запертую в этой сфере или аспекте вашей жизни, всего лишь через прикосновение.


Этот класс разрушит фундамент ограничений, в которых, как вам кажется, следует жить, как будто у вас не существует иного выбора! Он проводится сертифицированными фасилитаторами Access Consciousness по всему миру и является интенсивным 4х дневным ознакомлением с тем,что еще возможно в вашей жизни. Этот класс создает осознание основ осознанности на том уровне, на котором вы их раньше в своей жизни не использовали!