7Steps to Flawless Communication

By Kass Thomas

Welcome to 7Steps to Flawless Communication by Kass Thomas!

How to establish true connection with yourself and everyone and everything around you.

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What is 7 Steps to Flawless Communication?

Kass Thomas is an author, radio personality, speaker, and Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. She travels the world training groups and individuals in the areas of communication, relationships, body language, business, and money.

What exactly does she do? She asks a lot of questions.

Here is a sample of some of her favorites:

What magic can I be and receive today with everyone and everything around me?

What else is possible here that I have not yet even imagined?

What can I look at differently here?

What question can I ask that would increase my awareness?

Kass has written this little guidebook to help you uncover your true communicative nature.

That there is so much more that connects us than that separates us is something I've somehow always known. The fact that there is very little manifested in this reality to encourage that has never dissuaded me.
-- Kass Thomas
www.kassthomas.com | www.7Steps.us

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Best-selling author, coach and inspirational speaker, Access Consciousness® facilitator

Kass travels the world facilitating and training people who are seeking to create more in their lives and businesses. She teaches classes and workshops, conducts interviews, consults with businesses and facilitates private sessions.

She is a motivational, inspiring and always dynamic speaker. She has the ability to lead people into being greater versions of themselves. Kass continually encourages people to use their own brand of magic to change their lives, those of the people around them and the world.