Suzanne Cotter

Suzanne Cotter

Wake up, magical ones! Are you on the brink of choosing the wonder-filled life you know is
possible but haven’t made the leap?
What if you didn’t have to go alone?

Sue Cotter will guide you in unravelling the web of limitation using potent tools from Access
Intuitive, fun, and with a zest for living, Sue will empower you to master the energy of request so
that infinite possibilities rain down on you.
What do you wish was different about your life? About your money flows, family life, and

Sue is a virtuoso with energy who has used Access Bars® and the dynamic tools of Access
Consciousness® , Somatic practices, to transform her body, relationships and businesses.
Using these same tools, Sue empowers others to overcome past traumas, addictions and limitations
and step into greater power and potency with their choices. She has many strings to her bow such as being a trained body communicator, somatic practitioner and explorer of the spirit world.

If you’re looking to have more joy, creativity, and ease in life, get in touch!

Sue offers the following services:

 Access Bars® sessions and Facilitator Training classes
 Access Body processes and classes
 Access Abuse Hold
 Access Energetic Facelift™
 Symphony of Possibilities sessions
 Being You adventure classes
 Spirit Calling sessions ~ Connecting with the spirit world
 Powerful one-on-one coaching sessions designed to give you more body awareness and
instigate miracles. (Live and Online)

Perhaps you are here because you KNOW it’s time. No more playing small and timid. The universe is
waiting to grant your request, will you choose to go big and ask for your heart’s desire?

A közeljövőben induló osztályok

Dátum Esemény Facilitátor Házigazda Helyszín Média
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{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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“Your future is created based on your choices right NOW”

- Suzanne Cotter
