Committing to Your Living - freedom to choose for you

Welcome to Committing to Your Living - freedom to choose for you

What if being you and creating what you desire is easier than you think – and all starts with a choice?

The word commitment often brings up interesting energies and is a little daunting. What if it doesn't have to be difficult? And what if committing to YOU actually gave you more choice?

Are you tired of playing small and holding your self back?

Do you know you have capacities that are lying dormant, waiting for you to choose to use them?

Do you give yourself up for other people’s needs wants and desires?

Do you have the freedom to choose for you?

What is it you came here to Be and do that would like to emerge? Join me as we step into Committing Your Living. Is now the time?

When you are being you, you are the invitation. When you're being you, regardless of anybody else's reality people ask, "How come you can do that? How come you can be that? How come you get that? What is it you've got that I want?"

When you are being you, you become the question. You become the curiosity. People want to know about you. ~ Gary Douglas​

In this 2 day infusion, we will clear out limiting points of view, beliefs and habits that keep holding you back, and learn tools to create with magic and ease beyond what most people dare to imagine.

Together we will move through the process of letting go of what doesn't serve you:
• playing small
• shrinking from judgment
• divorcing you in your relationships

Together we will learn tools to gain clarity on what you really desire:
• ease with receiving
• trusting your awareness
• knowing what you know

Together we will playfully infuse your energy into creating your true life:
• choosing more
• actualizing your dreams
• being your joyful self!

Are you curious about what Committing to Your Living would look like? And what would it create? I will facilitate you with verbal processes as well as teach a Hands-on energetic body process that will help your body shift with you on your journey of committing to your living.

Bring your questions, challenges, and desires... I will facilitate you to having more choices, more possibilities and more support contributing to you than you can imagine!

Are you ready to come play?!

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