Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment (ESSE)

Welcome to ESSE - Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment!

What is ESSE?
Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment (ESSE)
is an Access Consciousness™ specialty class that facilitates changing the structure of your body and life.

Scientific research found that molecular structures respond to the observers' point of view, whether it is electrons, water, or even the body's fascial system. The tools of Access Consciousness™ invite you to be in the question in all aspects of your life and your body. In the ESSE classes, we invite you to be a question with your body.

ESSE facilitates changes in the body's structure and form, contributing to ease with movement, function, and a different possibility with your body. ESSE deconstructs the glue of judgment throughout the body.

All areas of the body can be "touched" by this hands-on and energetic possibility. In these workshops, you will be learning to touch a body, be the energy of ESSE, and the various ways in which your touch can contribute to the body structure changing. You will be empowered to discover what you know about bodies.

We facilitate ESSE classes on people bodies (ESSE Bodies), horse bodies (ESSE Horse), and both combined (ESSE Extravaganza).

ESSE Essence - Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment

ESSE Extravaganza - Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment

ESSE for BODIES - Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment

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