Talk To The Entities - Advanced Class


The magic and power of interacting, communicating and even receiving from entities is one of the most misunderstood and unused capacities we all have available to us.

TTTE Advanced Class facilitated by TTTE founder Shannon O’Hara.
Shannon will take you further into developing your skills and trusting what you know with regards to entity communication, receiving and creation. Discover the power of creation & magic of receiving from entities.

When we resist or shut down our awareness of all that entities bring and are, we lose access to our full being. TTTE Advanced will give you a profound depth of possibility with entities and awareness that is sure to change the world.

Strengthen your confidence and deepen your knowledge with applicable tools to handle the A to Z’s of the entity world. Whether it is receiving a message or support, clearing a haunted house or assisting a lost being to move on, TTTE Advanced has all the tools you require to create a truly magical life. How does it get better than this?


See class listing


*Access Bars at any time
*The Foundation within 18 months or an Advanced Access Consciousness class within 18 months
*TTTE Beginning within 18 months- with Shannon or any TTTE Certified Facilitator and little to no fear and dramatics about ghosts.
*TTTE Intermediate class within 18 months

NOTE: If you purchase a shop product to meet the above prerequisites it must have a start date within 18 months of this class.

*Read or listen to Beings of Light book by Shannon O'Hara (English, French Spanish Japanese Mandarin)



Your individual and applied pricing can be seen under Billing & Payments after registering.

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