Melanie Clampit

Melanie Clampit

Hello, so happy you're here exploring.

I hope to connect with you soon. Please don't hesitate to reach out.

The tools of Access Consciousness have dynamically changed and added to my life and the many clients and class participants I've had the pleasure to facilitate over the last 13 years. 

I'm thrilled at the possibility of sharing them with you!

What I hear most often is

  • "Shifts are easier and there is more change in one session than I expected or have ever experienced."
  • "I have no idea how to put what just happened into words!"
  • "I feel more relaxed and peaceful than I have in years."
  • "Wow, I feel so much lighter!"

I love the process of coming untangled and free. 

I love AHA! moments, challenging beliefs, and the process of discovering what is true. Not what's true for me, but empowering you in this discovery.

Some of the greatest feedback I received was from a mother and daughter. "Melanie, what I've loved most about our work together is that you never tell us what to do or how to do it. You have truly taught us to fish and I know now we can feed ourselves for a lifetime."

 I am lucky to call what I love my livelihood.

Every day I utilize these incredible tools and different perspectives to create my life on my terms and to continuously stretch, change, and grow. Pressing out the edges of what I believed was possible for me. 13 years ago I could never have imagined I'd own my own business and have a Studio in the Napa Valley where I get to touch lives every single day. I can't imagine navigating this changing world or leaping into this business without having my Bars run regularly and these amazing tools to know what is true for me and that I have the ability to shift and change anytime I choose. It's powerful and empowering and exactly what my target is each time I facilitate a session or class.

Nothing makes the challenges of life disappear, but we can have more ease, grace, and humor along the way.

I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you and being part of your journey to true belonging.

~Melanie Clampit

“Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be to be accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.” Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection



Hear from some of my happy clients and class participants:

"Immediately I felt better, relaxed for the first time in 8 years. The "thoughts" were coming in and it was like they were on a disk and someone was pulling them out of the player. It felt like that disk was thrown away and like I would never see it again. I have never felt anything like this before! I was slipping in and out of sleep only to wake up feeling like a new person! Like my old self, like anything is possible. Right now I feel good, happy, and content. I haven't had any of the "bad thoughts" in fact not many thoughts at all, I'm just at peace. Melanie, you are an angel! Your demeanor and presence show nothing but genuine concern and love. From the moment I saw you I felt at home, at ease."" J.S.

“Receiving Access Consciousness work from Melanie Clampit has been treating me to one of the most profoundly joyous, opening, elegant, fun, and beautiful experiences of my life.

I feel as if I have laughed my way through a forest of insight and images, some of which I held as core issues—which dissolved pretty much instantly, POC and PODing all. I’ve come home to myself, and am really living my life.

I feel so real and free in my body, which is what I always wanted.

That I am able to live here now makes me so happy.

How does it get any better than that?


Greatest thanks to you, dear Melanie, Facilitator Par Excellence!”

~ KZ

“When I arrived I was limping and it was painful to walk. Wow, after sleeping on the table for an hour, I got up to go to the car after Melanie “ran my bars” and I had no trouble walking or discomfort!

Louise. Napa, CA

“Working with Melanie to expand my possibilities has been one of the most
profound experiences in my life. She hears and potently addresses the core
of what’s in my way with such a gentle generosity of spirit, like a warm
invitation to just let it all go. Her tender approach is, for me, leading by
example to a way of being that allows change without turmoil.”

K.L, Ca

“Melanie is an insightful facilitator who truly knows her stuff. It was both a pleasure and a joy to take a Bars class with her. Thank you, Melanie!”
Lynn K.
Belmont, CA

“OMG THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for that amazing training/healing. I feel SO different… much much calmer, less reactive, and less attached to the past. This is wonderful!”

Laura R.
Visalia, CA

“Melanie is a joy to work with. Right away we started working on clearings. I especially wanted to make sure I was clearing my money blocks which were still not clear to my satisfaction! I was so pleased with her natural ability to hone in on the blocks that needed to be released for more money flow to come into my life."

"Melanie has a sweetness about her, that was an absolute delight to be around. I had my 2nd Bars class with her. I appreciate how specific she was with the finger placements, and as soon as I had my fingers in the right place, the energy in my hands amped up and I could feel the heat immediately. She was so accommodating to me. She honored my special request to photograph my hand positions, so I could see the placement with my own hands. I am happy to have them. Thanks, Melanie! If I have more opportunities to work with Melanie, I will. She’s a beautiful and talented being.”

“Melanie taught my first bars class and I love it! She was fun, knowledgeable, and totally present to all my questions. I felt like she had a deep understanding of the process!”

Lela Bryan Alameda, CA



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Yaklaşan Seminerler

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Görüntülenecek seminer yok.

““Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be to be accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.” ― Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection”




Access Bars Sınıfı

Access Bars, Access Consciousness'ın en temelini oluşturur. Harika bir maceranın başlangıç noktası olabilir ve her şey ile daha büyük bir kolaylık yaratmanıza yardımcı olacak hayatınıza ekleyeceğiniz bir şey olabilir. Bars, hayatın farklı alanları ve yönleriyle ilişkili olan başın üzerindeki 32 benzersiz noktadır. Bir Bar'a dokunun ve hayatınızın o alanı veya yönüyle ilgili kilitlenmiş enerjiyi sadece ona dokunarak temizlemeye başlarsınız.


Bu sınıf, başka bir seçeneğiniz yokmuş gibi yaşamak zorunda olduğunuzu düşündüğünüz sınırlamanın temelini ortadan kaldırıyor! Bu, tüm dünyada sertifikalı Access Consciousness kolaylaştırıcıları tarafından kolaylaştırılır ve başka neyin mümkün olabileceğinin 4-günlük yoğun bir keşfidir. Sınıf, henüz hayatınızda kullanmadığınız bir farkındalığın temeli hakkında farkındalık yaratır!