Dr Carleta Tiba

Carleta Tiba

Welcome to the Place of DIFFERENCE! Greater possibilities are available. Sometimes we just need somebody to show that to us. Gary M. Douglas, the founder of @Access Consciousness and the creator of @Access Bars showed me that. What about you? Did anybody invite YOU to a life of GREATNESS? Is NOW the time?

Did you always feel you are different? Were you judged for that? Did you judge yourself for that? Welcome to YOU!

How can we navigate these times with great ease, while enjoying the ADVENTURE ?



My career changed many times during my life, from medical doctor, to business owner, to manger and director, to facilitator and entrepreneur. What didn't change was the joy of inspiring, encouraging and contributing to better people's lives, their health, their wealth, their wellbeing, and to opening of more consciousness and happiness. This was the thread that went through all my endeavours and this is what fires me up today in everything I do.

I was and am very fortunate to have met so many brilliant, amazing, inspiring and powerful people and to receive great tools on my own journey. This helped me leap so many times from deep negative situations and lots of limitations into more space, more, ease, more peace and more possibilities.

It is my joy to to be able to contribute to you what I am and what I know, and to assist you in achieving everything is possible for you (which you may even not know is possible).

All aspects of life can be improved and get greater when YOU add consciousness and we make different choices. A different life is available for YOU, when you are willing to choose it! 

What is it that YOU would like DIFFERENT  in your life?

What FUTURE  do you want to bring into existence?

What do you want to BE?

What WORLD do you want to live in?

Are you READY to create that?

Do you TRUST you?

What is POSSIBLE for you?

I can contribute to make your life better.

Check out my classes. Send me your questions. Ask for a private session and let life be an ADVENTURE for you!

I offer private sessions, classes of Access Consciousness ( Access @Foundation Class, 3 Day Body Class, Access Bars Class, Facleift, A true Lady Class, Beyond Normal Aging class and much more.

You can also invite me in your area and be my host if that is something that you are good at! It is my honor to get to contribute to your area, wherever you may be.

I have started using the Access Consciousness tools in 2011 and became a Certified facilitator in 2012.

I had the great joy of facilitating Access Consciousness classes in so many places around the world. I just write here few of them: Paris, London, Vienna, Tokyo, Barcelona, Athens, Moscow, Tokyo, Kyoto, Montreal, Helsinki, Bucharest, Romania, Germany, Rome, Greece, UAE, Egypt, France, Turkiye, The Netherlands, and much more.

What a joy and delight to have met so many amazing people and to contribute to their lives and expansion.

Want to get in touch with me ?  For website in Romanian go here : www.carletatiba.com 

You can also write to me on whatsapp at +40729586378 or write at carletatiba@yahoo.com

In Joy and Gratitude,

Carleta Tiba


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“How would your life be if you would let Consciousness lead?”

- Carleta Tiba



Access 3 napos testtanfolyam

Mi lenne, ha a tested egy iránytű vagy útmutató volna az élet titkaihoz, rejtélyeihez és varázslatához? Az Access testtanfolyamot arra tervezték, hogy megnyisson egy párbeszédet és egységközösséget hozzon létre a testeddel, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy élvezd a tested, ahelyett, hogy harcolnál ellene és bántalmaznád.

Az Alapozó

Ez a tanfolyam lebontja a korlátozások alapját, amiről azt gondoltad, hogy abból kell élned, mintha nem lenne más választásod! Minősített Access Facilitátorok facilitálják világszerte, és ez egy 4 napos intenzív felfedezése annak, hogy mi egyéb lehetséges. A tanfolyam megteremti az éberség alapjait, amit eddig nem használtál az életedben!

Access Bars tanfolyam

Az Access Bars® az Access Consciousness középpontja és alapja. Egy nagyszerű kaland kiindulópontja lehet, olyasmi, amit hozzáadhatsz az életedhez, hogy segítsen nagyobb könnyedséget teremteni mindennel. A bárok a fejen elhelyezkedő 32 különböző pont, amelyek az élet különböző területeivel és vonatkozásaival vannak összefüggésben. Egy bár megérintésével elkezded kitisztítani az adott életterületen vagy vonatkozásban megrekedt energiát, csak azáltal, hogy megérinted.

Önmagadként létezés – Az egynapos kaland

Üdvözlünk ezen az egynapos tanfolyamon, ami Dain Heer „Létezz önmagadként, és megváltozik a világ” című könyvén és tanfolyamain alapul, és amely az Access Consciousness eszköztárát használja.

Ezeket a tanfolyamokat világszerte facilitálják, és egy olyan energetikai élményt adhatnak a létezésből, amit sehol máshol nem fogsz megtalálni...

Being You – The Weekend Adventure

What if you could wake up every day with a wild enthusiasm for being alive? Are you always asking for more and looking for that “something” we all know is possible? What if that “something” is YOU? What if you, truly being you, are all it takes to change everything – your life, everyone around you and the world?