Kass Thomas

Kass Thomas

If you are on a journey and are not pleased with the direction it is taking, maybe it is time to change tracks!

Kass joined Access Consciousness in 2003., receiving her first Bars session in Italy.

In 2006 while activating her CFLiccense she invited Gary Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer, Simone Milesas, Shannon Ohara, and Grace Douglas to come to Italy in 2007 to launch international languages in Access.


She was the first translator for Access and immediately started coordinating Access translations in over 9 languages for live classes, book translations, manuals, websites and mire, Now there are over 30 languages around the world in Access.

How does it get any better than that and what else is possible?

Kass’s life has been nothing short of an adventure. Having started working at the early age of twelve, she has had a sense of pride, commitment, and passion for everything she has ever done: from managing off-Broadway theatre productions at the start of her career in New York; to working in the hospitality industry at five-star hotels (where she won concierge of the year from Where Magazine, New York edition); to starting her own film production company with a friend in Italy; to organizing and working in the film and television industry, at international festivals, and in sales and distribution; to finally finding her true calling as an empowerment and life coach, helping people all over the world optimize their potential and see the brilliance of who they really are.

Kass is also an international bestselling author, trainer, and certified facilitator of Access Consciousness®. She conducts private sessions, group training, and workshops on a variety of topics, using her expertise in communication and many of the pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness.

Kass continues to change tracks even today, and with each new experience, she expands who she is and what she loves doing.

Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Kass comes from an unconventional family. Both her parents left their previous partners to be together and raise Kass. Her family environment included people from various ethnicities and backgrounds, which instilled a multicultural and global curiosity in her. She obtained an undergraduate degree in journalism and mass communication and then went on to postgraduate studies in theatrical management, both at New York University. Ultimately, she traveled to diverse locations, such as France, Spain, and Italy, mastering those languages in order to be able to communicate more directly with the local people there. Her love of travel, diversity, and inclusion of different cultures still prevails today.

In addition to being a certified Access facilitator, she is also one of the few Access 3-day body class facilitators in the world. Her journey with Access Consciousness started in 2003. In 2006, she got her certified facilitator’s license and in 2007 invited the founder, Gary Douglas, and co-creator, Dr. Dain Heer, to hold their first European classes in Italy. She was instrumental in the development of the Access language and translation programs for many years, helping extend it from four to 176 countries and over thirty languages.

Her workshops reach a variety of people and places, including Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, the UAE, the UK, the United States, and more.

In her journey, she has encountered and facilitated over 1,000 workshops and assisted over 10,000 people, including Ray Charles, Madonna, Denzel Washington, Whoopi Goldberg, Michelle Pfeiffer, Miles Davis, Morgan Freeman, and others.

As a result of her many adventures, she authored the bestselling book 7steps to Flawless Communication, which is available in over fifteen languages, including Czech, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Turkish, and many others. Her second book, Dancing with Riches, launched first in French in the spring of 2019, will also be available in multiple languages.

When she is not traveling the world, facilitating classes and workshops, Kass is home in Italy with her husband, Marco, enjoying some of their many shared interests, including tennis, dancing, jazz, singing (and she knows all the words to every song!), and good food. In fact, you can often find pictures on Instagram of the amazing international dinners at her home, prepared by her husband for friends and family. Their boutique bed & breakfast, Villino Corbelli, situated in their 1920s villa in Rome, has received top reviews for almost twenty years.

It fills me with joy to watch how quickly and easily someone can start creating more in their life, with their body and their financial situation, just by choosing to do so.



Kass Thomas is an inspirational speaker, best-selling author, coach, and facilitator at Access Consciousness for people who are ready to discover their true nature and choose more in their lives.


Through her books, workshops, and international and in-demand tours, she’s here to help you create more ease with communication, your money flows, your business, your relationships, and your body while recognizing the magic you be simply by being you.


Kass is currently working on her next book, after the first one ‘7steps to Flawless Communication’ and her second one "Dancing with Riches".

She is facilitating workshops on Access Consciousness, on Business Communication Training with the simple tools of the 7steps and "Dancing with Riches" which are both also books and songs.


Her desire is always to invite people to change their lives dynamically by communicating more effectively with their bodies, relationships, with the planet and in the work field. 


And when she’s not touring the world teaching people how to live a better life, you can find her entertaining guests at her boutique bed & breakfast in Rome, Italy.

2 Books by Kass


7steps to flawless communication (www.7steps.us)

by Kass Thomas

(in 20 languages)

Paperback in the Access Shop: https://bit.ly/7steps_English )

ebook on Kass Thomas webiste:https://www.kassthomas.com/shop/?lang=en

There is much more that unites us than separates us. In order to establish a connection with others, begin by listening to our bodies, lowering our barriers, and going beyond the facade that separates us.

This opens the door for communicating with everyone and everything around us, including the earth, with ease. How much fun can you have expanding the outside edges of you?


Dancing with Riches (www.dancingwithriches.com)

by Kass Thomas

English, Spanish, French, Czech, Turkish, Italian, German....

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Dancing with Riche, my book, training and song! The book, is in several languages Dancing with Riches In Step with the energy of change Using the Access Consciousness tools Check it out here: www.dancingwithriches.com

“There is so much more that unites us than separates us”

- In step with the energy of change using the Access Consciousness tools



Access 3 napos testtanfolyam

Mi lenne, ha a tested egy iránytű vagy útmutató volna az élet titkaihoz, rejtélyeihez és varázslatához? Az Access testtanfolyamot arra tervezték, hogy megnyisson egy párbeszédet és egységközösséget hozzon létre a testeddel, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy élvezd a tested, ahelyett, hogy harcolnál ellene és bántalmaznád.

Az Alapozó

Ez a tanfolyam lebontja a korlátozások alapját, amiről azt gondoltad, hogy abból kell élned, mintha nem lenne más választásod! Minősített Access Facilitátorok facilitálják világszerte, és ez egy 4 napos intenzív felfedezése annak, hogy mi egyéb lehetséges. A tanfolyam megteremti az éberség alapjait, amit eddig nem használtál az életedben!

Lépj bele a saját kommunikációs zsenialitásodba

Mit engedhetsz el vagy ölelhetsz magadhoz, ami lehetővé teszi számodra, hogy könnyedén, örömmel és ragyogja kommunikálj magaddal, a testeddel, másokkal, a bolygóval és az univerzumal?