Out of the Box (OLD)

Welcome to Out of the Box with Gary Douglas! 

In the Out of the Box class, you will discover the tools that will allow you to get out of the box of other people’s points of view so that you can begin to see what actually works for you.

In life, we can choose to live by other people’s realities or we can choose to create our own. Most people try to live within the box of what other people define as valuable, rather than asking, “What really works for me?”

If you had the tools to create the change that you didn’t even know you could ask for... what would be possible for you and the world that you haven’t considered yet?

Conformity means that you can’t be greater than anybody next to you. What if you could instead be someone who can create way more?



2 days


Access Bars® class with any facilitator.


Full price:  
This includes MP3 audio recordings of the class.

Repeat price: There is no repeat price for this class. This includes MP3 audio recordings of the class. 

Other prices: Children 15 years and under are welcome for free when attending with a paying adult or at the arrangement/discretion of the facilitator. Teenagers at 16 and 17 years of age pay half price.

Location pricing applies

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Localização Médio
Data {{event.eventStartDate}} - {{event.eventEndDate}} {{nameHeader}} {{event.eventTitle}} Facilitador{{event.eventFacilitator}}
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