Lynnae Ann Velasquez

Lynnae Ann

Hello, I would enjoy being a possibility for you to find your awareness, to find your own choice and create your new life.

Below you will see what Access classes I have available for you this month. If you need a date that I haven't posted just send me a message.🥰

🌺One day at a time, keep choosing for what else is possible.🌺


If you have any questions, please email me directly 

More places to find me         

Access Bars Facilitator, Access Facelift Practitioner, Pragmatic Psychology Practitioner,

Energy Mindset Coach, Recovery Specialist

Próximas aulas

Data Evento Facilitador Host Localização Médio
{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

Nenhuma aula para exibir.

Growth Junkie Coaching with Lynnae Ann Velasquez

“Are you willing to be the Phenomenance you truly be? #BlessedPossibilities”



Minhas aulas

Clínica gratuita de Barras de Access para conscientização sobre saúde mental

During the month of September, in honor of World Suicide Awareness Month, facilitators and practitioners of Access Bars® will be hosting events all around the world and opening their doors for anyone looking for a different possibility, or a spark of hope, to come and receive a complimentary Access Bars session.