Generative Business Pods

The Generative Business Pods is a 6 month business creation intensive designed to offer sustained support in creating your life and business with the tools of Access Consciousness.

What if everything you create in your business could be created from question, choice, possibility, and contribution? What if that could be the primary space you function from, regardless of what is occurring in your business?

In this 6 month journey, you will be creating and playing alongside others in a conversation of creation from being, creation from joy, creation from possibility. An environment of dynamic contribution, the Generative Business Pods is a choice for being a different possibility with business, with others, and with yourself, and for discovering that you truly can have a business that flourishes and grows as you are willing to be & receive more.


Bireysel ve uygulanan ücretlendirme, kayıt olduktan sonra Seminerlerim / Ödeme Yapın (My Classes / Make a Payment) kısmında görünür.

Özür dileriz, eşleşmiş mevcut bir seminer ya da etkinlik bulunmuyor.

Sonuçlar: ( {{totalCount}} Sonuç Bulundu )

Konum Ortam
Tarih {{event.eventStartDate}} - {{event.eventEndDate}} {{nameHeader}} {{event.eventTitle}} Facilitator{{event.eventFacilitator}}
Ana İşlem{{event.eventHost}}
Konum {{event.eventCity}}, {{event.eventState}}, {{event.eventCountry}}