Jaco Joubert

Jaco Joubert

I had first heard of Access Consciousness as I was receiving my last certification of another energetic healing modality. Someone had asked me… “have you heard of Access Bars?”


This question grabbed my full attention and I sensed a sparkle of something different.

A knowing that I needed more information about what the Bars were.

It was like the Universe was telling me… “Pay attention!! There’s something here you need to see!!”


I couldn’t resist it. I needed to know more. So I quickly did my research and immediately booked a session with an Access Consciousness facilitator. My desire to know more was so strong that before the session I had booked, Access Consciousness had found its way to me. They were holding a big conference at the resort I was working at in South Africa.  The rest, as they say, is history!


After my first Bars session I had a sense of a totally different reality that was now available. Since then, every aspect of my life has changed. My health, wellness, finances, outlook, my relationships… my world has completely expanded!


My partner and I now teach the tools of Access Consciousness and the Bars to people who are willing to change their realities and create the ease and relaxation they are asking for. We travel around Australia and the World spreading happiness and consciousness in classes, markets, and festivals.


The tools of Access Consciousness help clear the limitations and energies that are holding you back. They empower you to create, choose, change and more. I don’t know where I would be today without them.


There is a totally different reality available and waiting for you. Is now the time to choose it?


Why not book an Access Bars Session or Online Facilitation with me, to find out how simple it can really be to change the aspects of your life that you truly desire to change?

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