Pragmatic Practitioner - Telecall

Welcome to Pragmatic Practitioner - Telecall!

What greatness do you invite people to? What do you know about facilitating? What if you knew that you can handle anything, how much would your life grow and your business expand?

If you would step into being the pragmatic facilitator you truly be, how many new clients would be able to find you? What world would you create? What if you knew how to facilitate depression, bipolar, OCD, anxiety, phobias and any other mental illness?

Did you know that facilitating means making easier… to restore or bring back ... with ease.

What catalyst of a different future are you, that is now time access?

Time to create a world that works for us?


The Foundation within 24 months


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Localização Médio
Data {{event.eventStartDate}} - {{event.eventEndDate}} {{nameHeader}} {{event.eventTitle}} Facilitador{{event.eventFacilitator}}
Localização {{event.eventCity}}, {{event.eventState}}, {{event.eventCountry}}