
Are you aware that your capacities with energies are unique? Do you know that the way you resonate with the world is a fantastic, phenomenal and an absolute gift?

Are you aware that your capacities with energies are unique? Do you know that the way you resonate with the world is a fantastic, phenomenal and an absolute gift?

Dr Dain Heer works simultaneously with the beings and bodies in the class to create a space that allows the change that everyone is asking for to show up.

In working with one person, everyone is invited to that change. You and your body will be introduced to a level of being and energetic awareness that goes beyond everything you’ve experienced before.

Symphony of Possibilities (SOP) this is taken one step beyond Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB). You will become intimately aware of energies and learn how to truly utilize them to create your life, living and a totally different reality!




你覺知到你使用能量的能力是獨一無二的嗎?這個課堂是真的是Access Consciousness的先鋒。在這個與戴恩•希爾醫生進行的為期4天的高階培訓中,您將密切地覺察到能量,並學習如何真正去利用它們來創造您的人生,生活和一個完全不一樣的實相!


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