


戴恩·希爾醫師 從他的 身體在低語 書朗讀。




Is it possible that your body has been trying to communicate with you for a long, long time? And how? With your first language, that is more sophisticated and more instantaneous than words: energy.

What if we have so much more available to us than we realize? Let’s turn off our busy minds and start tapping into the incredible inner awareness you naturally have.




Judgment is a killer. It’s a killer of possibilities, it’s a killer of space, it’s a killer of energy, it’s a killer of joy, it’s a killer of happiness.

Moreover, it’s the number one cause of pain, suffering and illness on the planet. As a body whisperer, understanding more about judgment and its destructive and limiting nature puts you in a place where you can bring change into your own world and the world of the people you work on with real ease.

Explore with Dr. Dain how to change this ingrained habit and drop it altogether.




The catalyst for change is all about movement, momentum and flow – and what better way to keep momentum going than to ask questions, and BE the question?

When you step away from searching for answers, cures, and solutions, people and their bodies can change and heal from a much more open place.

A question allows us to get to the heart, or the crux, of any situation in a flash. Questions break down walls, let light and space in – they let chaos in – and they allow us to see what’s keeping us stuck. Asking questions creates more space, more freedom, and more joy. It’s how we create more of a healing change and it’s what marks us – YOU – out as a body whisperer.




Take a moment to recall how your relationship with your body began back in childhood.

Were you encouraged to listen to your body? Or were you told to listen to how other people thought you should eat, sleep and nourish your body, rather than trust what your body intuitively knows?

Join me for this conversation about what can happen when we don’t listen to our bodies, and how to begin hearing again our body’s unique way of communicating with us.

What if you could develop a communion with your body that goes beyond anything you may have thought possible until now?




Have you ever decided that bringing order to the common turmoil in our world was your job? Or have you ever thought that if your body had pain, suffering or disease, it must be caused by a destructive, chaotic force?

What if chaos is nothing that we thought it was? Chaos is a creative force that acts as a major catalyst for change. Chaos is where freedom and possibility lie. Join us to unpack this very different point of view and explore how chaos is not only necessary, but a key element in transforming our bodies and lives.







身體低語 一書為基礎,戴恩·希爾醫生親授的這一特別培訓邀請你進一步深入身體低語,這是我們每個人都擁有,但從未受邀去學習的非凡能力。



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  • 發現如何與身體交流共融,享受它可以成為的那份禮物。
  • 認識到選擇與覺察所能帶來的身體轉化。
  • 學習你身體的能量語言,並開始用全新的方式聆聽它。

