Are you aware that your capacities with energies are unique? Are you ready to start contributing that to everyone around you?
This Symphony of Possibilities class is truly on the creative edge of Access Consciousness. During this 4-day advanced training, you will become intimately aware of energies and learn how to utilize them to create your life, living, and a totally different reality.
For parts of this training, Dain Heer uses the energetic transformation modality he has developed, (The Energetic Synthesis of Being) to show and invite you to an energetic space where miracles can occur, in ease. For other parts, you will be exploring that energy yourself, while working energetically on people in the class, or while being worked on. The simultaneity of gifting and receiving that opens up, expands into universes of possibilities and oneness.
By invitation, exploring and practising, you start to step into the capacities required to facilitate Symphony Sessions yourself.
Is now the time to change the world by your very touch?
You can find all Symphony of Possibilities (SOP) Trainings below.
The pre-reqs to join these trainings are an Energetic Synthesis of Being class, as well as a Choice of Possibilities class.
Scheduled Classes: {{totalCountFormatted}}
日期 | 名稱 | 導師 | 地點 | 方式 | POP | |
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{{event.FacilitatorsNames}} |
{{facilitator.FacilitatorName}} |
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