Danella Draper

Danella Draper

What if far more is possible in your life?

Access Bars® & Access Consciousness® are potent, non-conventional tools of creation and empowerment. Welcome to new possibilities and begin discovering what is possible for you and your body with the tools of Access.

I’m Danella and I love facilitating change, movement and transformation in people. I am an Empowerment coach, Access Consciousness Bars® Facilitator, Yoga instructor and a Career stylist.

Something I have always enjoyed is empowering people with tools for change... even if they have no idea how to change! I’m here to empower you with the tools that have transformed my life.

“After my first Access Bars class I felt a sense of space, lightness and joy that I had never had before. My monkey mind was silent, my mind was clear and I felt I had more of me.”

What if far more is possible for you, and what if it's way easier to create than you think?

Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, or you would like to book in for a class or a private session. 

Let's have way too much fun creating the life you truely desire!

Danella xxx

Contact: +61 460 944 685


My Story

I’m Danella, I am a coffee and chocolate lover, foodie & a change maker of magnificence! I love Yoga and walks and swims at the beach and being in nature inspires me.

I  have over 10 years experience of coaching and mentoring in the career, health and wellness industry. I am a mamma to two amazing daughters. It all started with yoga over 25 years ago as a stressed out university student. I found a sense of calm within and I found a sense of space and ease in the body with Yoga. Through meditation, connection of breath and mindful movement I was able to transform myself. 

I then found the dynamic & potent tools of Access Consciousness®, the Access Bars® which gave me a sense of space & ease gain clarity, change direction, and move quickly to create change and transformation in my life and have more of me…. Boom!

I work with energy and specific tools to coach and facilitate transformation, change, choice, possibilities and ease in all areas of your life. My target is to empower you to know what you know to ultimately create a life that you would like to have and a sense of space to BE You!

Connect with Danella






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