Brendon Watt

Brendon Watt

Brendon Watt is a man who has lived small and large and now he wants to change the world to be better.

Brendon grew up in a middle-class family trying to have middle-class values, until he discovered these values were not really his. After decades of conformity, broke and unhappy, living as a single dad in a tiny room in his mother’s home, along with his four-year-old child, he asked for change.

Soon after, he discovered the pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness and made the choice to change his life.

Today, Brendon is a worldwide speaker, and a certified facilitator of Access Consciousness, a global empowerment company in 176 countries. Many have found Brendon’s teachings to be a gift to them for greater possibility. His classes and workshops empower others to know they are not wrong, that anything is possible, and that they are just one choice away from change.

His first book, Relationship: Are You Sure You Want One? co-authored with Simone Milasas is an international best-seller, available in seven languages. 

Brendons recent release Misfits Guide To Money ebook is an Amazon bestseller. 

Join Brendon every week on his podcast "One Choice from Change" on iTunes and on Amazon.







A lot of us choose to cut off parts of ourselves in order to fit in and choose a reality that was never ours to live. Thinking that if you would be all of you everyone around you would leave, judge you, or call you crazy and you would be alone or left out.

What if you actually have the courage to be that different and have that willingness to choose it when everyone else around you is not?

I created this video so I can hopefully invite you to no longer judge whatever you think is so wrong about you so you can finally go forward including all of you, knowing that there’s really nothing wrong with you.


If this video inspired you to start embracing all of you, find out more about me at



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Nincs megjeleníthető osztály.

“Have you found what you've been looking for?”

- Brendon Watt



Az Alapozó

Ez a tanfolyam lebontja a korlátozások alapját, amiről azt gondoltad, hogy abból kell élned, mintha nem lenne más választásod! Minősített Access Facilitátorok facilitálják világszerte, és ez egy 4 napos intenzív felfedezése annak, hogy mi egyéb lehetséges. A tanfolyam megteremti az éberség alapjait, amit eddig nem használtál az életedben!

Access 3 napos testtanfolyam

Mi lenne, ha a tested egy iránytű vagy útmutató volna az élet titkaihoz, rejtélyeihez és varázslatához? Az Access testtanfolyamot arra tervezték, hogy megnyisson egy párbeszédet és egységközösséget hozzon létre a testeddel, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy élvezd a tested, ahelyett, hogy harcolnál ellene és bántalmaznád.

Idiots Guide to Life

Do you have any areas of your life where you are frustrated, ready to give in thinking that you are an idiot? Would you like to find out what you’re actually capable of?

A Szimfónia bemutatása

Ez a kézrátételes ízelítő kurzus, amelyet a Szimfónia haladó kezelők facilitálnak, az utazásod kezdete ebbe a varázslatba, a Lehetőségek szimfóniáján (SOP) keresztül!