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Conheça o que está mudando a vida de milhares de pessoas em mais de 170 países ao redor do mundo.
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There are thousands of Access Consciousness events and classes offered weekly around the world. You can search for a class by topic, facilitator, language or location in our class calendar.
Gary Douglas travels extensively facilitating advanced Access Consciousness classes as well as a range of evening and several day workshops on specific topics from choice and possibilities to money, benevolent capitalism, relationships and more.
Dr. Dain Heer offers classes on a wide array of topics through out the world and is best known for his transformation process The Energetic Synthesis of Being as well as the Being You, Changing the World events.
Simone Milasas travels extensively facilitating advanced Access Consciousness classes as well as a range of evening and several day workshops on specific topics from choice and possibilities to Relationship Done Different, Business Done Different, Getting Out of Debt Joyfully and more.
The Access Bars are the very core and foundation of Access Consciousness. It can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything.
Dr. Dain Heer offers classes on a wide array of topics through out the world and is well known for his Being You, Changing the World events, based on his bestselling Being You, Changing the World book.
Dr. Dain Heer offers classes on a wide array of topics through out the world and is best known for his transformation process The Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB).
The Access Special Classes are branches of Access Consciousness where you can dive deeper into particular topics with specialized facilitators. Each program offer introductory classes, advanced classes and certification facilitator training.
Access Consciousness have many ways of engaging with the tools worldwide via expos, meet ups, radio shows, tele summits, google hangouts and more.
Are you looking for more change? There are over 13,000 facilitators and practitioners available in more than 173 countries.
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Find an article on almost any topic you could think of! Where would you like your adventure to begin?
What if there is nothing wrong with you? EVER?! EVER?!?!?!...... EVER?!?!
If you stopped trying to fix what you have decided is wrong about you- and headed instead of the direction of what's right about you that you are not getting- would that change your life?
Have you seen the movie The Matrix? Do you remember the part where Neo meets Morpheus for the first time and he offers him the blue pill(to go back to the life he knew) or the red pill ( that would blow all his beliefs and paradigms of what he was capable of and what's possible?)...well Access is the red pill for me...and I'm stoked I took it!!
Have you always known there HAS to be more to life?
For MANY many years I wrestled with feeling I was not good enough- that there was something inherently wrong with me- no matter how much I gave, how much I did or the success I had- I judged ceaselessly that I was not enough. With this point of view about me so engrained, I created abusive friendships and relationships, where I swung between giving myself up for them and then fighting to have me .
My true nature is that I am a possibilitarian- a seeker who does not give up - despite my crappy choices!
I KNEW there had to be more to life than what I was currently having.
So I learnt and became involved with a vast array of natural therapies for over 20 years and searched and experimented with many modalities and philosophies, in the vain hope they would "fix me". NONE of them did!!
I energetically invited Access Consciousness into my life, after yelling at the Universe one depserate night .....
I discovered the Bars and received a session .... EVERYTHING changed...
I then attended A Bars class and two days later I woke up with a voice in my head saying " You are going to become an Access Facilitator and take this to the World". I had never been so certain about anything in my entire life.
NOTHING comes close to the ease, lightness and fun that I experience with using the Access tools.
I apply the Access tools to all that I already do in my clinic and have been stunned by the rapidity and immediate change this allows for my clients and it is truly empowering them to choose for themselves.Their knowing and other hidden talents surface, they are happier and at ease with who they are. Instead of constantly looking at the wrongness of themselves, they now ask "whats right about me that I'm not getting?". The magic starts to show up the more they ask the question...
Now I travel the world facilitating a plethora of classes: Talk To The Animals, Prosperity Consciousness, Being You Adventures and the Core Classes of Access- Bars and Foundation along with my insatiable desire to share the tools, scatter seeds of possibilities and empower people to know that they know.
My other joy and delight, along with facilitating consciousness with people is hanging out, communing and communicating with all the creatures great and small in the animal kingdom.
So I am also extening a warm welcome to all the animal lovers of the world to discover a wonderous way of being, receiving and communicating with animals with the Talk to the Animals specialty, classes and tools . Talk to the Animals is like nothing else I have ever tried, learnt or experienced and has created such peace and oneness, not just with animals , but with everything.
We are a special breed, you and I. When we’re with a horse, a cat, or a dog, we don’t just see a furry companion. We see an incredible being that’s
inviting us to a greater connection with them.
What do you know about the animal kingdom that you may not be able to put words to, but you would like to have a greater bond, deeper connection and broader awarness of their world and all they desire to gift beyond just being seen as a pet?
Animals have a unique way of communicating and for those learning to listen it is amazing. Especially, for anyone who doesn’t think they can!
What are the infinite possibilites for you, your life, youe living and future?
How does it get any better than this?
Just sayin'!
Being You Certified Facilitator (BYCF)
Access Facelift Facilitator (AFF)
Access Bars Practitioner (BP)
Access Bars Facilitator (BF)
Access Certified Facilitator (CF)
Noosaville . Australia East Midlands. UK
Australia, United Kingdom
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“Are you willing to acknowledge the Greatness of you today?”
- Chutisa Bowman
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