Nicola Silva

Nicola Silva

Are you happy with the person in the mirror?

Or do you avoid looking too closely because all you can see are the imperfections and judgements?

Prior to using the tools of Access Consciousness, I was my worst critic. Nothing I did or said was good enough for me.

Access Bars and these amazing tools have shown me a different outlook on life: I am happier and trust myself and my choices more each day. Would you like the same?

Around 18 years ago I came across Access Bars because my young son had been diagnosed with a chronic illness. Despite following the medical advice, he had setbacks and relapses. It was difficult. As a mum, my priority was to ensure his happiness and wellbeing and frankly, I judged myself.

Somehow I knew there had to be a different possibility for him and his body, so I began researching alternative healing modalities.

One day I heard Mr Gary Douglas, the founder, talk about Access Bars in a radio interview. The Bars seemed weird and esoteric but also rather fascinating...

What are the 32 Access Bars?

Access Bars is a hands-on process that can change any area of life. Every time you have your Bars run, you clear mind chatter, feelings, emotions and everyday worries about health, body, money, relationships, aging and sexuality. For people with busy heads, Bars can create a sense of space, peacefulness and clarity.

Does Bars really work?

The short answer is yes! A side effect of learning the Bars is you become happier. Plus, your energetic capacities and abilities expand.​ There are still ups and downs in life, but you have the tools for different situations. I still go down the rabbit hole of self-judgement although much less than I used to. Every day, I ask the universe to show me magic, show me something beautiful. What if you could have more ease just by asking for it?

What have you been seeking your whole life and not yet found?

Get your Bars run

If you would enjoy a Bars Session with me, please reach out. I would love to meet you, run your Bars or have a chat!


I sincerely thank you for teaching me the Access Bars course. The sessions you gave me were excellent and I feel so much different.

It has really helped me a lot and I myself feel much calm and not so reactive with things around me.
Namrata B

I was a bit sceptical at first. This has been my 2nd (Bars) treatment. The feeling of relaxation and clear mind to carry you through is on another level.
My life is busy and having a ‘Bars treatment’ (by Nicola) it really does give you a real sense of peace.
Clear the mind, clear the space, 90 minutes of you being rejuvenated. Why not!. 
Brian B

Nicola was so welcoming and took the time to explain the process.
The experience was amazing. Highly recommend if you need to shift trapped energy and open the path to clearer thoughts.
I'm feeling much more relaxed and calm after the session. Also my anxiety level is much lower now. Thank you for the wonderful session. It was a great experience. I'm very grateful to you. Thank you Nicola
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“The real magic in life is the ability to change or transform anything.”

- Gary M Douglas
