Sheryl Hamilton

Sheryl Hamilton

The Access Consciousness® tools have changed by life!  And they can do that for YOU too!  

I learnt the Access Bars®, and I sensed there was more to be explored!

      Could you image what it would be like for each day to be more enjoyable than the last?

      And what if the purpose of life is to have FUN?  (Really? - Yes really!)    

Would YOU like a different reality, created with greater ease, clarity of mind, magic, money, possibilities and joy?   Are you ready to trust YOUR choices?   What are you willing to receive?

     This is available to YOU by learning and using the Access tools!  

If this is the first time we are meeting…. Hi, I’m Sheryl Hamilton and I live in Taranaki, New Zealand under a mountain, that has rich and powerful energy.  Down the road we have the ocean cleansing the shores; our province offers so many opportunities to play – how does it get any better?  And my husband and I are blessed to be the caretakers of 7 acres, where I commune with our animals and they are such a contribution to our lives and much loved.  I am truly a country girl at heart.  How did I get so lucky?

Sharing the Access Consciousness® tools through private sessions and facilitating classes, gifts me phenomenal joy which I invite YOU to explore, as this will open up new possibilities for YOU if you choose.  What could show up in a session that you had thought wasn't possible?


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I invite you to muse over the following:-

What could you add to your life that would create everything you desire? 

If you had no limitations what would you choose? 

What would your life be like if you trusted your knowing? 

What future do you desire to create? 


Access Bars® offers limitless possibilities for YOU to create more joy, ease and lightness in YOUR life.  So, are you desiring to change your perspective and outlook on living?   Are you willing to step into a greater life created by you? There has to be more to life than just the daily grind, right?  Well there is! 

I love connecting with people (yes, that’s you) and sharing the Access tools to empower you to expand your world!

Making new choices has created a “breath of fresh air” for me, really receiving that life giving breathe that is required by us all.  I have so much more awareness of what I desire and what invites more joy, money and playfulness in, which invites me to engage with my magic sparkle and share it with YOU!   Are you willing to choose YOU?

Come on let’s play … see you soon! 



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“What is this choice going to create for YOU? What are YOU capable of creating in YOUR life that you are not acknowledging yet?”





Access Bars 是Access Consciousness 非常核心和基礎的工具 。它已經協助數以千計的人們在它們的身體和生命裡改變非常多的層面,包含睡眠,健康,體重,金錢,性和關係,焦慮,壓力,以及更多。透過學習或接收這項技術,你可以完全輕鬆地給予你自己和你的客戶,朋友,家人和同事們你們所需要點關懷,仁慈和滋養。

Access Bars 給予&接收

給予及接收 Access Bars® 對你及你的身體是一個不可思議的滋養及仁慈的程序。你開始打開通往合一的門 - 在那裡存在一切事物而沒有批判。在一個 Bars 交換 & 接收活動你將能與其他在你區域的 Bars 執行者交換。它是讓你固定運行你的 Bars 的一個很棒的方法!


Access 能量臉部提升是什麽?