The Being You classes were inspired by and emerged from Dr. Dain Heer’s international best-selling book Being You, Changing The World.
They are designed as a living exploration and lab of discovery into what becomes possible as we step into more of ourselves.
How much of your life are you living based on other people’s ideas, opinions, and judgments?
And how much are you living as and for you?
What is true about you that nobody else has ever seen? Including you? And what if everything you always knew was possible actually was? Yes, also when it comes to you!
FEB 2025
What if being you is one of the keys to having the life you desire? Start here to discover what Being You is all about.
The book that inspired it all! Want a sneak peek of what it all is about? Receive a free audio of the introduction and first chapter.
What would this world look like, and how could it be different if we all had the freedom to truly BE? Come celebrate, explore, and be inspired!
These classes will open you up to an expanded awareness of a life without judgment and empower you to know that you know.
To facilitate means ’render easy’ – to restore or bring back with ease. Meet the Being You facilitators.
Let the adventure begin! Find what’s true for you. Trust what you know. Thrive in any situation. Explore the FREE Being You App.
Join a host of brilliant and unique guests as they share their stories, their differences and their willingness to be themselves no matter what.
Come and follow us? Join us on Instagram to connect and be inspired… Let’s go on this journey together!
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