Joy of Business

Joy of Business is a creation of Simone Milasas. It's a book, it's a worldwide movement and it's classes designed to empower you to know what you know about business.

Business Done Different

This class is not like any other business class you will attend. It’s different. It will empower you to know what you know about business, money and creation. What do you know?

Business in Action

This class will introduce you to a whole set of pragmatic ways to be with your business from the Joy of Business book using Access Consciousness tools.

Getting Out Of Debt Joyfully class

A 2.5 day class with Access Consciousness tools, processes and questions to change your financial reality. This class is based on the book Getting Out of Debt Joyfully.

Getting Out of Debt Joyfully: Getting Started

“No one needs to have a money problem!” – Simone Milasas

Are you ready to change your entire reality around money? What point of view do you have around money that if you changed it, would create a different reality for you? This class will get you started with the tools you can use to get out of debt with JOY!

The Business, Money and Profit Class

This Joy of Business class uses Access Consciousness® tools to explore and expand your business, money, profit and your life.

Getting Out Of Debt Joyfully with an Advanced Facilitator

A 2.5 day class with Access Consciousness tools, processes and questions to change your financial reality. This class is based on the book Getting Out of Debt Joyfully.

Business Done Different with an Advanced Facilitator

This class is not like any other business class you will attend. It’s different. It will empower you to know what you know about business, money and creation. What do you know?

Business Done Different – Program

Business Done Different is not like any other business class or program you will attend. It’s different. It will empower you to know what you know about business, money and creation. What do you know?

Joy of Business Mentorship

What if you and your business can create and generate something entirely different for yourself and for the planet?

Put the Fun Back in Business Class

Most people don’t see any joy in business, let alone have fun. They see business as hard, stressful, stuck, a struggle… and a whole lot of things that business can be, but doesn’t have to be! Putting the Fun Back in Business is where you can begin to look at what your point of view truly is without influence of projections and obligations.

Big Big Business Energy

Welcome to Big Big Business Energy, the latest advanced class from Joy of Business. This isn’t just a class; it’s an invitation to go beyond what you have decided is possible for you and your business.

Joy of Business Facilitator Training

BusinessBe an an authority on how to do business with a difference, joyfully, and change the world!

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Results: ( {{totalCount}} Results Found )

Location Format
Date {{event.eventStartDate}} - {{event.eventEndDate}} {{nameHeader}} {{event.eventTitle}} Facilitator{{event.eventFacilitator}}
Location {{event.eventCity}}, {{event.eventState}}, {{event.eventCountry}}