At a Venue

Visit our stand at festivals and expos, join Access Bars and Body swaps and many other live events across the world. Come along and get your questions answered.

Access Consciousness Meet & Greet with a Certified Facilitator

You are invited to a Meet & Greet, hosted by an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, designed for you to meet other facilitators in your area, share ideas and inspiration and ask questions to create greater for all of your businesses.

Access Bars Gifting & Receiving

Gifting and receiving Access Bars® is an incredibly nurturing and kind process for you and your body. You begin to open the doors to oneness – where everything exists without judgment. In a Bars Gifting & Receiving you will be able to trade bars with other bars practitioners in your area.  It’s a great way to get your bars run regularly!

Access Consciousness® at Expos

Visit an Access Consciousness® stand at a local Expo and you will find people who are using the tools, techniques and philosophy's of Access Consciousness® to change their lives.

Creating Change with the Tools of Access Consciousness®

Access Consciousness® offers you the tools and questions to create everything you desire in a different and easier way, and to change the things in your life that you haven't been able to change until now. 

This introductory class will explore these life-changing techniques, tools and processes that are designed to empower you to create the life you desire. Practical, dynamic, and pragmatic, these tools and this class is designed to facilitate you in being more conscious in your everyday life and eliminate all the barriers you have put up to receiving.

Global Access Bars Day

Each year, we take one day to celebrate Access Bars®, a gentle touch point technique that has created relaxation, peace, and other dynamic changes for millions of people.

Join us to discover how to reduce stress and anxiety, find easy ways to create a life you love, and hear stories from people about the change created with Access Bars and the tools of Access Consciousness®.

How Different Are You Willing to Be? - Online

What would your life be like if you started to fit out rather than fit in?  A class based on Susanna Mittermaier's book, Pragmatic Psychology, Practical Tools for Being Crazy Happy

So, Are You a Fish? A Different Perspective on ADD, ADHD, OCD and Autism - Live Intro

What if many of the labels that exist – such as autism, OCD, ADD and ADHD – are not disabilities at all? If we look at these from question and not judgment, what more can be discovered?

Bars in Business™ Meet & Greet

Would you like to explore how to take Bars into the world?

You are invited to a Bars in Business™ Meet & Greet hosted by a member of the Bars in Business team!

Symphony Gifting & Receiving

Symphony Gifting & Receiving events are about exploring, expanding and practicing the gifting and receiving of Symphony Sessions with other Symphony Practitioners in your area.

Access Body Gifting & Receiving

The Access Consciousness® Body Processes help you increase your awareness of your body so you can know when it’s communicating with you. In a Body Process Gifting & Receiving you will be able to gift and receive body processes that you have learned in Body Process classes or Access 3 Day Body classes. 

Access Energetic Facelift Gifting & Receiving

What is the Access Energetic Facelift? 

It is a simple and dynamic hands-on body process that can deepen and quicken the body’s natural healing capacities while undoing the signs of aging on the face and throughout the body. A gentle, soothing touch is applied to your face and neck that works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate.

Clarity Night

During this event, an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator will assist you in finding more clarity and ‘clearing’ specific areas of your life using the tools, techniques and processes of Access Consciousness®.  Explore areas such as body, health, weight, sex and relationship, money, family, anxiety, stress and so much more.

4 Tools to Find Your Happy

Are you stuck in a place in your life where happiness seems impossible? Or maybe you would just like a little more joy to show up?

Welcome to this Access Consciousness introductory class with 4 easy tools to create happiness as your daily reality!

Access Bars Free Clinic for Mental Health Awareness

During the month of September, in honor of World Suicide Awareness Month, facilitators and practitioners of Access Bars® will be hosting events all around the world and opening their doors for anyone looking for a different possibility, or a spark of hope, to come and receive a complimentary Access Bars session. 

Access Bars in the Park

You are invited to this event to experience an Access Bars session in the beauty of the outdoors! Every session is different. What is most often reported is that there is a sense of complete relaxation, a more peaceful mind, and increased energy and creativity.

Access Book Intro

Do you love the Access Consciousness® books? Come play at the hosted book club, join the conversation and create even more change for yourself and others!