The Body Series

For years I judged my body for the way it looked. I would apologize for my body and choose to have relationships with men who also judged it. I would be asked to do classes on bodies and so many emotions would come up… I was embarrassed. My body felt tired, bloated and exhausted.

Since then, I chose to change my relationship with my body and I made a demand that I stop all the judgments.

Although I haven’t gotten it “right,” so much has changed. I get to wake up happy with my body, and every day I choose to create something greater with my body than I did yesterday.

Would you like to have a place where there is no judgment of your body – where you can embrace and engage with your body in a totally different way?

I invite you to The Body Series, where we together can go on an exploration of what’s possible in a world beyond judgment of our bodies. Every molecule inside your body is changing every nanosecond… Are you resisting or ready to ride the wave?


Access Bars or Being You Changing The World Class at any time.


Country Pricing applies.
Price includes MP3 recordings of the series and the clearing loops.
Please note: once you register, you will receive a link to pay via email. 


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Date {{event.eventStartDate}} - {{event.eventEndDate}} {{nameHeader}} {{event.eventTitle}} Facilitator{{event.eventFacilitator}}
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