Welcome World 4.5, Now What?

A Note from Dr. Dain...

The world has changed.
(That might be the greatest understatement you’ve read to date.)

Over the past year and half, we have experienced one of the greatest RESETS in our lifetime.
Time stood still while many waited for “normal” to reappear, and others set out to create a totally different reality.
Some made choices that they weren’t ready to make. Others took the time to reflect and reprioritize.

But, RESET is something totally different if we are willing to choose it.

Imagine what it would be like if your past didn’t have to determine what you could create now?
What if that slate had been wiped totally clean and instead of asking to create a “new normal”, you asked what you could create that could never be considered normal.

The idea of RESET can be extrapolated in many ways.
When you push the RESET button on any device, all the data stored goes away. Whether that’s a video game that starts back from the beginning level or a cell phone that loses all of it’s contacts, it’s about a NEW START, not about getting what you already had created more right.

The time is NOW my beautiful friends. I know you’ve heard me say this before… and it was as true then as it is NOW!
As far as I’m concerned, there’s never a better time than NOW to create the reality we know is possible!

I’d like to invite you to the new World.
I like to call it WORLD 4.5

As we re-emerge into living again, a lot of us are asking “What now?”
My ask is that we activate our capacities to create this new world, never desperately seeking normal ever again.

What can we be and explore that hasn’t been explored before?
What doors are now open that before were boarded up?
What change are we asking for that we can now actualize?
And what if we could have ease with all of it?

Join me for a two part telecall where we will audaciously dive into the possibilities available in WORLD 4.5!

Thank you for all you chose over the past year.
Thank you for not giving up.
Thank you for asking for greater.
Greater is afoot my friends. Let’s do this!

With gratitude and excitement,


The Foundation


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