Access Manipulation 101 - Intro

When you hear the world Manipulation - what comes up for you?!

In this reality it is a ‘bad’ thing and it usually involves people ‘making’ you do something you don't want to do. 

Within Access Consciousness manipulation has a completely different meaning. 

It is the willingness to be the energy that will allow somebody to be present with you and consider something they would never have considered before.

From this space, Manipulation comes from a place of kindness and from the willingness to always choose for what will create more.

It creates a space where every situation can be an invitation for greater possibilities.


Kalpana Raghuraman owns 2 global businesses - her access business Outcreate Your Reality, and her dance company Kalpanarts

Kalpana is married to a very successful choreographer and has a relationship that goes beyond this reality.

She travels the world creating through Access and Arts and is always willing to create more and invite others to do the same, while having fun with it all!! 


In this class Access Manipulation 101, Kalpana Raghuraman, will be inviting you to tap into this space > one where you can start to create possibilities and create what you truly desire.

Be it with relationships, with business, with family, with money, with sex….and what else?!




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