NJD4Life - A 6 Month Journey of Possibilities


A Radical Approach to Get you to Create the Life of Your Dreams!    

Do you get close to creating your life, more courageous in what your willing to ask for.....you start heading in that direction....and all of a sudden, every roadblock, emotion, scarcity, fear, and challenge you've ever faced comes up?

And then all of a sudden, instead of creating your dream life, you find yourself trying to clear everything that feels heavy and challenging?

What if there was a way to eradicate the challenges and close the gap between you and the business, body, relationship, money, and life of your dreams?

What if your dream life was about getting rid of the core of what's in the way so that you could actually know that NOTHING stands in the way of you and the life you were meant to create!

Are you ready to create your life and living beyond what you ever thought possible?

Here’s what you get:

  • 6 months of eradicating the core unconscious patterns you can't even see functioning from the world of what you actually desire to experience every day instead of what you don't want to experience
  • Recognizing the innate gift you were born with that is the catalyst for all your creations
  • An intimate group of conscious creators committed to a different future
  • 2 group facilitated monthly calls (learn how to facilitate energy and over video and/or phone)
  • Clearing loops to accompany the calls and remove all the core unconscious patterns
  • 2 private sessions
  • Private Facebook group
  • Weekly activation videos, full of inspiration and activations

Imagine what your life would look like if you knew you could literally eradicate every unconscious pattern that is in the way of your dreams?

Are you willing to have a different possibility?



6 months


Access Consciousness Bars & The Foundation


$500 a month for six months or $2500 pay in full

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Location Format
Date {{event.eventStartDate}} - {{event.eventEndDate}} {{nameHeader}} {{event.eventTitle}} Facilitator{{event.eventFacilitator}}
Location {{event.eventCity}}, {{event.eventState}}, {{event.eventCountry}}