Taste of the Symphony: Coming Alive, Relaxing Into Your Magic

Are you willing to know that you are an energetic wizard?

Yes, YOU! You have energetic capacities that can change everything – if you start to use, practice and play with them.

This hands-on taster class is the beginning of your journey into that magic!

Everything in the universe is a possibility and a probability until a choice is made. And there is a possibility everywhere. It is within the air and the molecules around us.

In this class, you will experience how your whole life is actually an energetic movement.

Nothing is solid, including your problems.

You’ll start to recognize, “Wow, I can move anything!”

Are you ready for that?

If yes – welcome to play!

What is the Symphony?
Developed by Dr. Dain Heer, the Symphony of Possibilities (SOP) is a unique way to utilize the energies of the universe to start creating your life, living, and reality by moving the very molecules of consciousness.


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Date {{event.eventStartDate}} - {{event.eventEndDate}} {{nameHeader}} {{event.eventTitle}} Facilitator{{event.eventFacilitator}}
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