The Obesity Clinic Series - Part 3

The Obesity Clinic Series with Gary Douglas - Part 3

Would you like to be happy with your body, whether you get skinnier or not? The truth of obesity is that it’s really about a judgment. It’s not about reality. It’s a judgment. It’s a judgment that was created by others based on what they decided was actually obesity that actually has nothing to do with what’s true for your body.

What does your body want to be or do that you’re not acknowledging?

“I did an Obesity Clinic to get information about what I needed to do different with obesity, and that has given me a whole lot of information about how I can change things. Although not all participants in the Clinic ‘lost weight,’ they changed in their physical make up in the sense that they became more comfortable with their bodies, started to enjoy their bodies and began to move different with their bodies.” – Gary Douglas

"I'd really like for people to get the joy of the body instead of the suffering of it." - Gary Douglas



The Foundation

and The Obesity Clinic Series with Gary Douglas - Part 1 & 2


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