Becoming a Being You Facilitator

As a Being You Facilitator you'll be able to facilitate the classes 'An Introduction to Being' and 'Being You, Changing the World - The Beginning'. Find out the requirements for becoming a BY facilitator here.

Welcome to the The Being You Facilitator Training!

What do you know? What do you know about being you? What do you know about being the difference that truly create change in the world?

Is now the time for you to show others what is truly possible? To invite them to take living to a whole new level?

Then this training may be for you! After this you'll be able to facilitate two different classes.

- An Intro evening: An Introduction to Being
- A One Day class: Being You, Changing the World - The Beginning

This is the very first Being You Facilitator training. If you choose to participate in March 2016, you'll be the co-creator of something that has never existed before; a global invitation to BEING.

Are you ready for that?

Don't ever stop exploring the possibilities that you know are real! It's what you're willing to BE when you're with someone that changes their reality. The greatest gift you can give someone is empowering them to express the greatness they truly be. - Dain Heer

Pre-requisites & Pricing

Pre-requisites: Be an Access Certified Facilitator + have attended two 3,5 day Being You, Changing the World Events with Dain Heer, one of them in person.

Full Price: $2800USD

Find more information and sign up fo the required classes to become a Being You Facilitator here.