Who Does this Belong To App

By Dr. Dain Heer

Welcome to the Who Does this Belong To App

“Who Does This Belong To?” is a tool that allows you to clear your head…

When you meditate or try and stop mind chatter, does your life get easier?

Or does your head fill with even more thoughts?

Do you realize how aware you are of the world around you?

What if your mind has been full of other people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions? What if you could just let them go? Would that make your life easier?

98% of your thoughts, feelings and emotions do not belong to you! They belong to everyone else, but what you are aware of often feels just like you – even if it’s not.

This App explains this dynamic tool from Access Consciousness®, shows you how to apply it, and allows you to set reminders to use the tool consistently for however long you like!

Choice creates awareness. What would you like to choose?

Download the FREE App today!              




Delivery Information:

Can only be downloaded through Itunes & Google Play Apps/links above.  

Dr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned speaker and facilitator of consciousness and change. For over 20 years now, Dain has been co-creating Access Consciousness and inviting people worldwide to embrace their true greatness — people from every culture, country, age and social strata of society. Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to energetic change and healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognize their own capacities, potency and knowing.